Quality defines the density/visual quality of the mesh that PiXYZ delivers. Depending if you import a native CAD model (exact geometry) or a tessellated model (mesh geometry), PiXYZ will automatically perform either a tessellation or a decimation on the model, among other optimization algorithms.
From the "Quality" drop-down list, choose the quality level for the imported model, among 5 predefined presets.
Importing a native CAD model
- MAXIMUM: Use this setting if you wish to obtain a very dense and precise mesh (quality is a priority over low-density) OR if you are importing a very small asset (under 1cm). A tessellation process is run.
- HIGH: This is a modification of the Very High preset. PiXYZ will deliver a superior quality mesh. Gives high-quality results for small objects. A tessellation process is run.
- MEDIUM (default preset): Typically the best option to obtain a balanced mesh between quality and polygon count. A tessellation process is run.
- LOW: Efficient setting to obtain a low-density mesh, or to process large objects while limiting polygon count. A tessellation process is run.
- POOR: Setting to obtain a very low-density mesh, or to process large objects while strongly limiting polygon count. A tessellation process is run.
Importing a mesh model
- MAXIMUM: The imported mesh will be fully preserved: no optimization will be run.
- HIGH: The imported mesh will be slightly optimized through a subtle and limited decimation process, preserving smoothing (through surfacic and normal controls) and UVs.
- MEDIUM (default preset): The imported mesh will be optimized through a controlled and efficient decimation, preserving smoothing and UVs. The resulting mesh might start showing smoothing irregularities.
- LOW: The imported mesh will be highly optimized through a controlled and efficient decimation. The resulting mesh might show smoothing and topological irregularities.
- POOR: With this preset, the imported mesh will be strongly optimized through an aggressive decimation. The resulting mesh will show smoothing and topological irregularities, which can be suitable for LODs.