Release Notes
PiXYZ PLUGIN for Unity 2019.1
Update 2019.1.1.11
- Fix Unity objects not properly saved in serialized rules
Update 2019.1.1.8
- Add "custom properties" as Metadata
- Add type in Metadata component
- Improve license management feedback
- Improve licensing state feedback
- Change license expiration warning
- Change lightmap UVs setting label
- Fix bounds not calculated at import time
- Fix hard edges artifacts on proxy
- Fix positionning in RuleSet Editor
- Fix some GUI textures unloaded on changing scene
- Fix licensing issues due to bad plugin initialization
Release 2019.1
New Features :
Tools added in the Toolbox & Rule Engine
- "Create Lightmap UVs"
- "Create Normals"
- "Explode Submeshes"
- "Remove Hidden Polygon / Object"
- "Repair Mesh"
- "Replace by Boxes"
- "Retopologize"
- Compatibly with Unity prefabs workflow (replace Live Sync)
- Add scripted importer for all formats except Unity's already handled formats (fbx, skp, ...)
- New Workflow Gui
New Imports :
- VRED import (interop)
- Add automatic creation of LODs if original models contains parts named *.LODn (as Unity does)
- Add import brep patches lines
- Add import polylines
- Add Metadatas for Revit
- Reduce the import duration for every format especially for Revit
- Improve CAD tessellation quality result
- Improve overall GUI (Popup/ Tooltips/Messages/Focus…)
- Better hierarchy representation
- Improve Lightmap generation quality
- Non persistent data serialization when drag and dropping a scene prefab in the Project Window (with a information popup)
- New option in Import Settings to singularize the transformation matrix when a part is a symmetry (to avoid -1 in scale mainly)
- Add option in Preferences menu to allow not to override prefabs when the name is the same (adds N at the end)
- Add remaining days in about Window (as in the License Manager Window)
- Add serialized default Import Settings to keep track of latest settings in any context
- Improve "Decimate" result quality
- Improve "Decimate" result with triangle count & triangle ratio option
- Improve "Merge" action to work with line topology as well as triangles
- Improve LOD generation and handling
- Remove built-in samples
- Add hyperlink to github samples repository
Bug Fix :
- Left Handed import option being inverted
- Brep import using decimation when not required
- Crash with Action In in toolbox
- Drag and drop in scene working also when dragging from Unity's project tab
- Formats regex too gentle
- Issue in Import Model Window where lightmap UVs couldn't work without creating UVs
- Metadata remove Properties
- Progress bar when import fails
- Resources loading for "Use Materials in Resources" option in Import Model Window
- Submeshes being mixed when running optmization actions such as Decimate
- Toolbox Refresh not always working properly (still manual however)
- Date format in About Window