Offline mode
If your computer is NOT connected to Internet (for example your company blocks Internet connection on your computer), follow this procedure to activate a Node-locked license:
- Click PiXYZ > License Manager
- In the "Offline" tab, select "Generate activation code"
- Save an Activation code (as a *.bin file)
- Copy the Activation file (*.bin file), go to a computer with Internet connection and connect to your account PiXYZ website (
- Click on the "Offline request" button next to the license you want to use and follow the procedure to upload the Activation code (*.bin file) you just saved
- Once the procedure is over, your new valid license will be automatically downloaded. If not, click on the Download button in the row of your new license (column "Offline Activation")
- Save your new "license.bin" file and go back to your computer on which you installed your new PiXYZ product
- Click PiXYZ > License Manager
- In the "Offline" tab, select "Install license" and browse to the "license.bin" file you downloaded from the website
- Click on “Activate”
- You might be asked to run a Windows installation executable. It requires administrator rights. Click “Yes”.
- And that's it! You can enjoy your new PiXYZ product