From the "Geometry" Group box, toggle quality and other parameters directly affecting the created meshes.

  • Use 16Bit buffers: Use this setting if you wish to create meshes limited to 65k vertices. Meshes will be created with a 16 bit index buffer (32 bit by default). Consider using this setting if you wish to publish the model on a platform with limited power.

  • Re-orient Faces: Use this setting for Pixyz to perform a unification of all triangles/faces orientation.
    Caution: Do not use this setting if the imported model is a mesh (tessellated geometry) and is already correctly oriented.

  • Singularize Symmertries: Some file format may use symmetries to avoid duplicating meshes. If the setting is set to false, symmetries with be handled with a single mesh and matrices with negative scales, which can be problematic in some cases, such as for lightmapping with Unity. By checking this setting, such matrices will be kept with positive scales and symmetries will be splitted in two mirrored meshes.

  • Create LODs: If checked, LODs will be generated during the import process. LODs are generated by decimating meshes if the input model is already meshed, or by using different tessellation parameters if the input model is represented with BREPs. For more details, please check LODs Generation and Mesh Quality.

  • Mesh Quality: This settings drives the quality of the imported model (when not creating LODs), by either decimating or tessellating wih various quality presets. Please check Mesh Quality for more information.

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