Plugin Installation
Pixyz Plugin for Unity is available on Pixyz website Download page.
Once you are connected, download the file from the Pixyz Plugin for Unity row.
Pixyz Plugin comes as a Unity Custom Package. In Unity3D environment, a package is a collection of files and data used by a Unity Project, which are compressed and stored in one file similar to ZIP files.
To install Pixyz Plugin in your Unity3D Project, follow the next instructions:
- From the "Assets" menu, choose "Import Package" and "Custom Package"
- Select the recently downloaded Pixyz Unity Package in the Explorer and click on the "Open" button
- Control that all the boxes are checked and click on the "Import" button
New files and scripts have been added to the Unity Project.Pixyz Plugin for Unity can now be used and a new "Pixyz" menu has been added to the Unity menu bar.
NOTE Pixyz Plugin for Unity needs to be installed for any new Unity Project where it is meant to be used.