Default Rule Engine Actions
- Child Add child to input GameObjects.
- Light Adds Light to GameObjects (if no Light is present).
- Rigidbody Adds Rigidbody to GameObjects (if no Rigidbody is present)
- Create Colliders Adds Colliders to GameObjects (if no collider is present).
- Remove Colliders Remove Colliders to GameObjects if presents either as a Component Mesh Colliders or if the newly created Colliders is a Children of the input
- GameObjects Info Prints out information on input GameObjects in the console. With 'Detail Log', this will print one information line for each GameObject.
- Materials Info Prints out information on input Materials (attached to GameObjects) in the console. With 'Detail Log', this will print one information line for each Material.
- Meshes Info Prints out information on input Meshes (attached to GameObjects) in the console. With 'Detail Log', this will print one information line for each Mesh.
- On Layer Filter input GameObjects based on its Layer.
- On Material Filter input GameObjects based on its Materials names.
If constrain is [Contains], GameObjects without any Materials or without at least one Material whose name contains [Value] will be filtered out.
If constrain is [Does Not Contains], GameObjects with at least one Material whose name contains [Value] will be filtered out.
If constrain is [Is Equal To], GameObjects without any Materials or without at least one Material whose name is equal to [Value] will be filtered out. - On Name Filter input GameObjects based on their names.
- On Position Filter input GameObjects based on their position compared to a defined box volume.
If GameObject contains a Mesh, it will test the whole mesh against the box volume, otherwise, it will only use the pivot point of the transform. - On Property Filter input GameObjects based on their Metadata (Component created by Pixyz at import time).
- On Tag Filter input GameObjects based on its Tag.
- All GameObjects Get all GameObjects in the current Scene, at any level.
- Child at Get the child at the position specified by the 'Index' (if it exists). Use 'Keep Parent' to keep parents from the input in the output.
- Children Get children of the given GameObjects.
User [Recursive] to get children at all levels.
Use [Keep Parents In Selection] to keep input GameObjects. - GameObject Starts with the given scene GameObject. Use 'Include Whole Hierarchy' to also include all of its children.
- Imported Models Returns Models Imported with Pixyz
- Latest Imported Model Get the latest GameObject imported with Pixyz.
It will fail if there isn't at least one model imported with Pixyz in the current scene.
Use [Include Whole Hierarchy] to also include all of its children as well (at any level). - Selected GameObjects Get GameObjects selected in the Unity Editor
- Combine: The Combine function creates one mesh with one baked material from a set of different meshes with different materials assigned. It will not produce any geometric changes. The original UV are preserved but repacked into a new unified texture atlas
- Explode Explodes each GameObject in multiple GameObjects depending on its sub-mesh count (if it has a Mesh)
- Merge Merges GameObjects together. 'All Together' will merge all input objects into a single object. 'With Children' will merge each with all of its own children (recursively). By merging, you will lose additional components such as Metadata.
- Replace by... Replace each GameObject by another object
- Decimate To Quality: Reduces the number of triangles on the Meshes, using a quality criterion.
- Decimate To Target: Reduces the number of triangles on the Meshes, using a target criterion adjusting importance level of mesh element (UVs, Normals, Hard edges...)
- Remove Hidden Remove hidden geometry.
- Repair Mesh Attempts a mesh repair.
- Delete Delete GameObjects.
- Randomize Transform Randomize transforms by random values within ranges.
- Switch Materials Switch Materials from their Names with Materials in the current project. 'Replace References' mode will replace the materials, and 'Copy Properties' will copy the properties (shader, color, intensities, ...) from the project Material to the Material applied. When copying properties, names of original Materials is kept.
- Create Normals Creates normals for the given smoothing angle
- Flip Normals Flips Meshes Normals. As this function changes data at Mesh level, any modification to a Mesh will be visible for each GameObject using that Mesh, regardless of the input.
- Move Pivot Moves the origin (pivot) to another point.
- Create Billboard: Automatically generate a fully-textured billboard out of a model. It creates a new mesh composed of multiple planes from given meshes.
- Retopologize: Creates a remeshed version of the given mesh, following input topology
- As Static Makes GameObjects Static (or not)
- Enabled Sets GameObjects' enabled state (Enabled/Disabled).
Make sure input contains disabled items if [Is Visible] is true. - Layer Sets GameObjects' layer
- Material Replace GameObjects' Materials with the given one.
Use Modify > Switch Materials to switch Materials on Material name. - Mesh Set GameObjects' Mesh (if GameObject has a MeshFilter component)
- Metadata Sets GameObjects' Metadata (Pixyz) property
- Name Sets GameObjects' names
- Position Set GameObjects' position.
Use [Self] referential to set a transformation from the current one.
Use [Parent] referential to set a transformation from the identity matrix in local space.
Use [World] referential to set a transformation from the identity matrix in world space - Tag Set GameObjects' tag
- Create UVs Create projected UVs. As this function changes data at Mesh level, any modification to a Mesh will be visible for each GameObject using that Mesh, regardless of the input.
- Create UVs for Lightmaps Generates UVs for Unity lightmapping on the channel 1.