A trial license, valid for 7 consecutive days, is available to evaluate Pixyz Review. To obtain a trial license, please follow this procedure:

1) Connect to your account or create one here: https://www.pixyz-software.com/register/.

2) Once connected, click on one of the "7-day trial version" buttons available on the Download page, Home page, on the Product pages or on the Store page.

3) Once you click on one of these buttons, a new license is created and is available in the LICENSE MANAGEMENT tab of your account.

4) Please see Node-locked license to complete the installation of the trial license.

To obtain a trial license, you can also contact Pixyz Software through our Support page.

WARNING        You can install a trial license on the same computer only once. A license is created based on a Computer ID (each computer has a unique Computer ID), meaning you will not be able to install a trial license twice on the same computer (even if you create two different accounts). Moreover, if you already purchased a license for a specific Pixyz product, you will not be able to install a trial for the same product.

WARNING        A trial license lasts 7 consecutive days. The 7 days will start counting from the moment you install the license on your computer (not when you request a license by clicking a "7-day trial" button on the website).