Release Notes
Pixyz Review 2021.1.2.13
(Released February 28, 2022)
- [Import] "Parasolid" format: version 34 supported
- [Import] General continous improvement of all file formats
- [Import] Better support of UNC path when importing files on Windows
- [Import] Fixed bug where .ATT file doesn't get read properly
- [Import] Fixed several issues with Solidworks file
- [Import] Fixed bug with material assignation with CATIA files
- [Import] Fixed bug with CatProduct files
- [Import] Fixed bug with IGES import with missing faces
- [Import] Fixed issue with NX files
- [Import] Fixed issue with IFC file where elements tagged "CivilElementLabelled" were not imported
- [Import] Fixed bug with scale & materials assignation from Solidworks file
- [Import] Fixed bug with missing part and incorrect colors from STEP
- [Viewer] Fixed bug where scene's number of points were not calculated
- [UI] Fixed bug with window not correctly positioned when starting the software for the first time
- [UI] Fixed broken "Check for Update" feature
- [UI] Fixed some potential crashes when manipulating the Material Editor
- [UI] Fixed crash when opening the software if user had custom Workspace
- [VR] Fixed bug where it was impossible to launch VR Quadbuffer session
Known issues
- Objects with component Grabbable doesn't make the selection's overlay as see-through.
- Workaround => Save in .pxz and reopen the file
- The display of % of exposition in Panel "Visualization" doesn't get updated when switching environment map
- Rare bug with occurrence's text color in Product Structure for the visibility state
- Impossible to use measurements if Undo/Redo the import of a file
- HoloLens 1 doesn't work. A white screen is displayed in the HoloLens 1
- When Pixyz Review is launched on a secondary monitor, the Viewer appears white and the scene is not displayed. This issue is caused by a conflict between nVidia GPUs and another software.
- Work-around:
- In the "ProgramData" folder, find a "A-Volute" folder
- Open the file BlackApps.dat
- Insert PiXYZStudio.exe in the list of applications
- Save the file
Pixyz Review 2021.1.0.79
(Released November 04, 2021)
- [Import] Support for GDSII (*.gds) format
- [Import] Support for *.STPX format
- [Tool] New Remove Z-fighting function
- [Import] *.JT high increase in terms of importing time
- [Import] PLM-XML are now better supported (avoid wrong position of parts, more stable)
- [Import] Fix potential bug while importing 3DXML
- [UI] Fixed UI issues with Light Theme
- [Import] Fixed bug which was cutting spheres in half when trying to import them (For Mass Balance study for instance)
- [Import] Fixed potential blocking when trying to import .sldasm files
- [UI] Fixed bug which was causing the disappearing of Actions Top Bar when quitting Pixyz Review with a right-click
- [UI] Fixed size of Advanced Search's UI element for the conditions
- [PMI].JT format: Fixed 'PMIReplaceBlackColor' import parameter not working with JT files
- [VR] Fixed bug with Reset VR session
- [Search] Fixed bug with Queries listed in "Last Search Done" section when starting the software
- [Tools] Fixed bug which was loosing materials when Creating Group Occurrence from selection
Known issues
- Objects with component Grabbable doesn't make the selection's overlay as see-through.
- Workaround => Save in .pxz and reopen the file
- The display of % of exposition in Panel "Visualization" doesn't get updated when switching environment map
- Rare bug with occurrence's text color in Product Structure for the visibility state
- Impossible to use measurements if Undo/Redo the import of a file
- HoloLens 1 doesn't work. A white screen is displayed in the HoloLens 1
- When Pixyz Review is launched on a secondary monitor, the Viewer appears white and the scene is not displayed. This issue is caused by a conflict between nVidia GPUs and another software.
- Work-around:
- In the "ProgramData" folder, find a "A-Volute" folder
- Open the file BlackApps.dat
- Insert PiXYZStudio.exe in the list of applications
- Save the file
Pixyz Review 2020.2.6.2
(Released July 02, 2021)
NOTE For a quick overview of the main new features in Pixyz Review 2020.2, please visit this page
- [Import] "Creo" format: version 8 supported
- [Import] "Parasolid" format: version 33.1 supported
- [Import] "Catia" format: version V5-6 R2021 supported
- [Import] "Rhino" format: version 7 supported
- [Import] "NX-Unigraphics" format: version 1980 supported
- [Import] Fix potential bug while importing 3DXML
- [Import] Fixed potential issue with STEP import
- [Import] Fix issue with materials on STEP AP242
- [Import] Fix potential bug with CATIA files
- [Import] Fix potential bug with Solidworks files
- [Import] Fixed potential issue with Parasolid file
- [Import] Fixed .IFC potential issues & crashes
- [FTA/PMI] Fix bug with display of FTA/PMI with AP242 & 3DXML file
- [.pxz] Fix bug when updating .pxz file from 2018 where the buttons were hidden by the loading bar
Known issues
- Creating Occurrence Group from selection under root or to Specific Location may loose materials if they were contained in a parent occurrence
- Objects with component Grabbable doesn't make the selection's overlay as see-through
- The display of % of exposition in Panel "Visualization" doesn't get updated when switching environment map
- Rare bug with occurrence's text color in Product Structure for the visibility state
- Impossible to use measurements if Undo/Redo the import of a file
- Reset action in VR doesn't work. (Workaround: use the History panel or Quit VR and Undo with Ctrl + Z to Reset your scene)
- HoloLens 1 doesn't work. A white screen is displayed in the HoloLens 1
Pixyz Review 2020.2.4.5
(Released May 17, 2021)
- [Import] Fix bug which prevented to import .pxz file with curves or rigged animations
Known issues
- Creating Occurrence Group from selection under root or to Specific Location may loose materials if they were contained in a parent occurrence
- The selection in rare time doesn't get through objects
- The display of % of exposition in Panel "Visualization" doesn't get updated when switching environment map
- Rare bug with occurrence's text color in Product Structure for the visibility state
- Impossible to use measurements if Undo/Redo the import of a file
- HoloLens 1 doesn't work. A white screen is displayed in the HoloLens 1
Pixyz Review 2020.2.3.9
(Released April 14, 2021)
- [Import] NX-Unigraphics format: version 1953 supported
- [Import] Parasolid format: version 33 supported
- [Import] Points with *.JT are supported
- [Import] "glTF" format: Updated format to import lines
- [Import] "glTF" format: Fixed ORM textures not properly named at import
- [Import] "glTF" format: Fixed Opacity map ignored when Diffuse map also contains alpha information
- [Import] "glTF" format: Fixed wrong albedo color with some GLB files at import
- [Import] "glTF" format: Fixed metadata/custom properties (extras) not imported
- [Import] Fix potential bug when importing .IAM files (Rhino)
- [Import] "JT" format: Fixed metadata attached to empty occurrences not imported
- [Import] "JT" format: Fixed potential instability when importing files containing lines
- [Import] "SolidWorks" format: Fixed error with SLDASM that was too demanding in memory and never ended
- [Import] "FBX" format: Fixed metadata types different from "string" type not properly exported
Known issues
- Creating Occurrence Group from selection under root or to Specific Location may loose materials if they were contained in a parent occurrence
- The selection in rare time doesn't get through objects
- The display of % of exposition in Panel "Visualization" doesn't get updated when switching environment map
- Rare bug with occurrence's text color in Product Structure for the visibility state
- Impossible to use measurements if Undo/Redo the import of a file
- HoloLens 1 doesn't work. A white screen is displayed in the HoloLens 1
Pixyz Review 2020.2.2.18
(Released February 17, 2021)
- [Import] "3DXML" format: Fixed potential wrong positions giving exploded models
- [Tool] Fixed potential crashes using the Material & Texture Mapping tool
- [UI] Fixed bug with Undo/Redo shortcuts requiring 2 keystrokes to work
- [UI] Fixed potential crash when opening the Material Editor with JT model containing thousands of materials
- [UI] Fixed "Texture Editor" opening after second attempt only
- [Material] Fix potential crash with Undo while Material Editor opened
Known issues
- Creating Occurrence Group from selection under root or to Specific Location may loose materials if they were contained in a parent occurrence
- The selection in rare time doesn't get through objects
- The display of % of exposition in Panel "Visualization" doesn't get updated when switching environment map
- Bug with occurrence's text color in Product Structure for the visibility state
- Impossible to use measurements if Undo/Redo the import of a file
- HoloLens 1 doesn't work. A white screen is displayed in the HoloLens 1
Pixyz Review 2020.2.1.9
(Released December 24, 2020)
- [Import] "SolidWorks" format: Added support for version 2021
- [Import] Fix potential issues with JT import
- [Viewer] Fixed wrong Parts selection with "in-depth" selection (right-click)
- [Inspector] Fixed Position unproperly set with occurrences having non-unitary Scale
- [Material Editor] "Texture Editor" opening after second attempt only
- [Material Editor] Fix potential crash with Undo while Material Editor opened
Known issues
- Creating Occurrence Group from selection under root or to Specific Location may loose materials if they were contained in a parent occurrence
- The selection in rare time doesn't get through objects
- The display of % of exposition in Panel "Visualization" doesn't get updated when switching environment map
- Bug with occurence's text color in Product Structure for the visibility state
- Impossible to use measurements if Undo/Redo the import of a file
- HoloLens 1 doesn't work. A white screen is displayed in the HoloLens 1
Pixyz Review 2020.2.0.64
(Released December 7, 2020)
- [Import] Support of animation at import on FBX, USD, GLTF
- [Import] Add support for Autodesk Recap format (rcp, rcs)
- [Import] Pixyz now automatically read your file and orient it with Y-up
- [Tool] New Advanced Search
- [Tool] Advanced Search : Add Search query concept
- [VR] New actions to set VR grabbability in right-click menu
- [VR] Possibility to Undo a VR session to replace objects back at their place
- [UX] Possibility to copy to clipboard IDs & metadata from inspector
- [UX] New actions when Creating Occurrence Group From Selection to gain time
- [UI] Adding Tips on usage on splashscreen
- [Pivot] New function to place pivot point on a targeted occurrence's center
- [Pivot] New function to align Pivot Point to World
- [Product Structure)Add "Show in Product Structure" for Metadata and components
- [Import] Improved import for GLTF
- [Import] RVM import now read .att file (metadata)better viewing performances
- [Import] Format list in the import window is now ordered alphabetically
- [Import] Better support of .JT file at import
- [Viewer] Increase light limitations in Pixyz scene
- [Viewer] The full grid is now displayed at start
- [Viewer] SpaceMouse is not available anymore
- [UX] Select By Material now search by visible material, and not only material property assigned
- [UX] MovePivotPointToOccurrenceCenter can now take several occurrences as input
- [UX] Replace "No" option by "Create a new file" when importing a .pxz from older version
- [UX] Update of right-click menu from viewer & product structure
- [UX] Basic search retrieve last searches done & can now parse name, metadata or both if set up
- [UX] Update of Select Ancestor default keyboard shortcut to : <
- [UX] Now Move Occurrence in Tree ask for one input : the targeted location in Product Structure
- [UI] Transparency is not a button anymore but a slider in the Panel visualisation
- [PMI/FTA] PMI component button and list title are now correctly displayed in Inspector
- [Variant] Now only one button to save Variant
- Fix bug when saving .pxz file with Variant active
- Fix bug with fast properties ("Show in Product structure") where items were not refreshed
- Fix problem of selection in viewer
- Fix controller disappearing when exploding model in VR
- Fix potential problem of environment reflection
- Fix mis-oriented text when asking to be the leader in VR collaborative session
- Fix camera position too close while reviewing PMI
- Fix problem with avatar visibility in VR collaborative session
- Fix some bugs related to FBX
- Fix potential crash with selection while using UV Projection Tool
- Fix potential crash in collaborative session when switching Variant with a lot of modification
- Fix problem with diversity of color with Color by Part override
- Fix potential crash with .csb import
- Fix rare situation when the grid overlaped parts in viewer
- Fix several issues regarding .JT imports
- Fix creo import with flexibility part
- Fix potential crash with DWG import
Known issues
- Creating Occurrence Group from selection under root or to Specific Location may loose materials if they were contained in a parent occurrence
- The selection in rare time doesn't get through objects
- The display of % of exposition in Panel "Visualization" doesn't get updated when switching environment map
- Bug with occurence's text color in Product Structure for the visibility state
- Impossible to use measurements if Undo/Redo the import of a file
- HoloLens 1 doesn't work. A white screen is displayed in the HoloLens 1
Pixyz Review 2020.1.2.13
(Released September 15, 2020)
- [Import] "Creo" format: Add support for version 7
- [Import] "ACIS" format: Add support for version 2020
- [Import] "Catia" format: Add support for version V5-R2020
- [Import] "JT" format: Add support for version 10.3
- [Import] "Autodesk Inventor" format: Add support for version 2021
- [Import] Better handle of format
- [Tool] Improvement of UV Projection Tool experience (new "Keep proportion" item)
- [Collaboration] Fix the passing of leader message while in Quadbuffer
- [Function] Fix potential crash with function "Clean Unused Textures"
- [History] Fix that made Hide/show invisible in History panel
- [Import] "Alias" format: Fix bad handling of symetries at import
- [Import] "IFC" format: Fix potentially missing parts in *.ifc files
- [Import] Inventor *.ipt files now correctly displayed in the "Import" dialog box
- [Import] "Revit" format: Fixed an issue with attributes reading
- [Material Editor] Fix material assignment update causing Material Editor instability
- [Tool] Fix potential crashes with UV projection Tool
- [Tool] Fix UV Projection Tool checker & preview update
- [Viewer] Fix scene bounding box not properly updated causing weird clipping
- [Viewer] Fix Transformation Gizmo not appearing in viewer after a part selection
Known Issues
- [Viewer] The selection "outline + overlay" in rare time doesn't get through objects
- [EnvMaps] The display of % of exposition in Panel "Visualization" doesn't get updated when switching environment map
- [UI] The occurrence's text color in Product structure doesn't turn grey all the time regarding its visibility status
- [Tool] Impossible to use measurements if Undo/Redo the import of a file
- [VR] HoloLens 1 doesn't work. A white screen is displayed in the HoloLens 1
- [VR] "Ask to become the leader"'s text in VR is mis-oriented
- [VR] The explosion makes the controller disappear
- [Collaboration] Bug with clipping plane to see colleague's screen avatar
Pixyz Review 2020.1.1.8
(Released July 01, 2020)
- [Import] Add a default voxelisation of 10x10x10 of your Point Cloudss files at import to increase performances
- [UX] Add a "Prepare scene for realistic Materials" in "Materials menu" to apply automatic Materials & Textures Mapping (UVs) on all parts that do not have some
- [UX] Add "Clean Unused Materials" in "Materials Menu" to delete all the materials & textures that aren't used in the scene to optimize file size
- [UX] Add Catia's brown color to "Basic set of colors" in the Material editor
- [VR] Add "Fast Launch" for Quadbuffer mode in order to reduce drastically the time of "Enter VR"
- [VR] Add mouse navigation during Quadbuffer when having no Motion System selected (=None) and "Orbit Mode" activated
- [Import] "SolidWorks" format: Add support for version 2020
- [Import] "Revit" format: Add support for version 2020
- [Import] "NX" format: Add support for version 1899
- [Import] "Parasolid" format: Add support for version 32
- [Import] "PLMXML" format: Add ExternalFile support
- [Import] "STEP" format: format improved to avoid missing parts
- [Import] "All formats": Add a default material import when an unknown type of material is used
- [UI] Viewer Environment Map (HDR) rotates using the combination CTRL+ALT+LMB
- [UI] Viewer Environment Map (HDR)'s exposure now display a percentage
- [VR] Add "Windows Mixed Reality Device" in VR hardware's list
- [Import] "3DXML" format: Fix potentially missing metadata at import
- [Import] "USD" format: Fix disconnected meshes at import (using format indexation)
- [Import] "CGR" format: Fix potential crash when reading some PMI
- [Import] "Alias" format: fix precision issue with the mode "By layer (one part by layer)"
- [Import] "Pixyz" format: Fix missing components located on root node at import
- [Import] "Pixyz" format: Fix potential crash when importing pr manipulating an old *.pxz file (prior to version 2020.1)
- [Import] "Revit" format: Fix long delay upon reading metadata
- [PMI/FTA] Fix a crash when display TitleBlocks' PMI on 3DXML
- [UX] Fix Ctrl + F shorcut for "Find Selection in Tree"
- [UX] Fix Selection's overlay that gets disabled randomly
- [UX] Fix problem with Basic action "override materials"
- [UI] Material Editor: Fix deactivated "Close" button in the Material Editor window
- [UI] Material Editor: Fix material preview not updating after material type change
- [UI] Fix frozen Progress Bar at the beginning of a process (before displaying the % progress)
- [UI] Fix prototype's colors in inspector
- [Tool] Fix "Generate FootPrint" that was rotated to 90°
- [Collaboration] Fix instability in collaborative sessions
- [Collaboration] Fix problem to create a room on private server
Known issues
- [Import] JT format: JT v10 format gives uneven results. When possible, prefer using JT v9 format
- [Viewer] Problem of lighting on Gizmo depending on the environments HDR used and SSAO
- [Viewer] The selection "outline + overlay" sometimes doesn't get through objects
- [Variants] The camera anchor resets while switching between variants
- [UI] The occurrence's text color in Product structure doesn't turn grey all the time regarding its visibility status
- [Tool] Impossible to use measurements if Undo/Redo the import of a file
- [VR] HoloLens 1 doesn't work. A white screen is displayed in the HoloLens 1
- [VR] The SpaceMouse navigation doesn't work as expected
- [VR] "Ask to become the leader"'s text in VR is mis-oriented
- [VR] The explosion makes the controller disappear
- [Collaboration] Bug with clipping plane to see colleague' screen avatars
- [Collaboration] If a user gets a crash in a collaborative session, it can create a bug that force kick other users when you try to reconnect (in this situation, just quit and recreate a session)
Pixyz Review 2020.1.0.22
(Released April 20, 2020)
- [Import] Add support for USD file format
- [Import] Add support for RVM file format
- [Import] Add support for pictures import
- [Export] Add "Save selection" as a *.pxz file
- [Tool] Add "Materials & Textures" mapping
- [Tool] Add "Selection Bounding Box" tool
- [Basic Tools] Add "Keep context transparent" option to "Isolate" functionality (disabled by default)
- [UI] User interface complete refactor - new branding, new panels docking system, better support for 4K screen, new progress bar...
- [UI] Add "Create" menu
- [UI] Add "Materials" menu
- [UI] Update "Edit" Menu
- [Panel] Add History Panel
- [Panel] Add "Tools" panel
- [Viewer] Add realistic rendering based on IBL (HDR environment map) and PBR shaders
- [Viewer] Add built-in HDR environments
- [Viewer] Add import of HDR environment
- [Viewer] Add outlines + overlay selection mode
- [Viewer] Add "Roll Camera" functionality
- [Viewer] Add "Camera Sensitivity" control parameters
- [UX] Add "Find Selection In Tree" keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F
- [UX] Add "Select Ancestor" function
- [UX] Add Copy/Paste/Duplicate/Paste without cloning functionality in "Edit menu"
- [UX] Add "Show All" functionality to show all occurrences of the scene at once
- [Materials] Add Pixyz PBR Material Library available for download (from "Materials" menu)
- [AR/VR] Add built-in VR environments
- [Import] "glTF" format update: PBR materials are imported
- [Import] "Alias/wire" format update: 3 import parameters available (By object, By Layer, By Layer one part by layer - default)
- [Import] "Alias/wire" format update: Add "Import Empty Layer" parameter
- [Import] "Alias/wire" format update: Add support for Phong and Blinn materials
- [Tool] Cutting plane can now be used on desktop and in VR simultaneously
- [Viewer] Improve of viewer performances
- [Viewer] Update "Transformation Gizmo" with scale handles and display options (+ shortcuts)
- [Viewer] Update "Viewer Information Panel" to display more information (Frame-rate, RAM/VRAM usage, Current variant) + keyboard shortcut (F3)
- [UX] Stabilize Undo/Redo feature through "History" panel
- [UX] Improve "Copy/Cut/Paste" functionalities
- [UI] Update consistency + clarity of UI (remove useless part as Python when launching a function, renaming Boost feature as "Optimize" feature, etc..)
- [Import] "FBX" format: Fix bad material import or assignment (FBX exported from Maya)
- [Import] "FBX" format: Fix textures potentially not imported
- [Import] "FBX" format: Fix crash at Fbx import with non-ASCII file paths
- [Import] "IGES" format: Fix long (almost infinite) CAD loops
- [Import] "DWG" format: Fix missing XREF links
- [Import] "DWG" format: Fix missing PMI
- [Tool] Fix 'IsExplodedCenter' behaviour
- [UI] Fix input box display when renaming variants
- [Viewer] Fix Variant name not updated in Viewer when changed
- [Viewer] Fix problem of default lights when saving .pxz file
- [Collaboration] Fix mute microphones when changing role or "Entering VR"
- [PMI] Fix potential crash displaying PMI on 3DXML files
- [License Manager] Fix crash when generating activation with non-ASCII path
- [License Manager] Fix bad license install with unicode characters in the path
- [Materials] Fix the material preview in the material editor
Known issues
- [Import] JT format: JT v10 format gives uneven results. When possible, prefer using JT v9 format.
- [FTA/PMI] .STEP AP242 : Problem with displaying the "TitleBlock"
- [Viewer] Problem of lighting on Gizmo depending on the environments HDR used and SSAO
- [Tool] UV Projection Tool` still under adjustment
- [Variants] The camera anchor resets while switching between variants
- [AR/VR] Error 1031/1033 in AR/VR collaboration session when using Hide/show on desktop
- [Materials] In the Material Editor, the "Close" button is deactivated
- [UX] Ctrl + F keyboard shortcuts for `Find selection in Product Tree` doesn't work