Pixyz Scenario Processor requires data to process on one hand, and an optimization/datapreparation scenario made of Python code on the other hand.

A scenario is the recipe that will be run on a Scenario Processor instance to transform your input 3D data into the best optimized result, suiting your needs.

Scenario example

Here is an example of a scenario that executes a typical data preparation recipe:

  1. Import each file with a .prt extension that is dropped in a folder
  2. Create a mesh out the CAD surfaces contained in the .prt file
  3. Apply UVs on the generated meshes
  4. Create and apply some materials based on metadata contained in the .prt file and a CSV file
  5. Export the resulting model in multiple outputs: .fbx, .gltf, .prefab

TIP        See also Samples & Ready-to-use Scenarios to help you get started

Scenario authoring

Scenarios can be created and validated using Pixyz Studio's Python interface, and/or using the API Reference with an IDE.

On-demand service is possible: Pixyz/Unity teams help you build tailor-made data preparation strategies that best suit your needs.

Scenario packaging

A scenario can be built and packaged in different forms:

A Python script

It's the easiest way to build a scenario: create a Python script that contains data preparation steps, including import/export calls (to read/write files), and run it in CLI mode with all the arguments required

NOTE                Checkout this page to learn how to script with the Python API Reference available in Pixyz Studio

A Plugin

In Pixyz Studio, a Plugin enables the creation of custom actions and interfaces.

A Plugin can also be used to build and package a scenario, to be run in Pixyz Scenario Processor by calling a Plugin's Python function in CLI mode with all the arguments required

NOTE                Checkout this page to learn how to create a Plugin

A Published Plugin

A Published Plugin is a Plugin packaged as a binary file (.pxzext file).

Scenarios packaged as Published Plugins are meant to be easily exchangeable across Pixyz community and deployable on all your Pixyz environments. As they are binary files, the contained IP is protected.

NOTE                A Published Plugin cannot be modified directly, the sources are required to be modified before being published again

Find samples and ready-to-use scenarios in the Samples & Ready-to-use Scenarios page.

IMPORTANT        Pixyz Scenario Processor standalone packages can run a scenario packaged as a Script, Plugin or Published Plugin, but the AWS version of Pixyz Scenario Processor can only execute a Published Plugin. See how to publish a Plugin here.