Python API Change Log
PiXYZ STUDIO 2018.3.0.35 to 2018.3.1.11
(Released December 17, 2018)
No changes in the Python API.
PiXYZ STUDIO 2018.2r30 to 2018.3.0.35
(Released November 13, 2018)
Module: core
askString(msg[, defaultValue]) -> text
Invite the user to enter a string
msg (String) : Message to display
defaultValue (String) : Message to display [optional] (default: "")
Return value:
text (String) : The string entered by the user
askYesNo(question[, defaultValue]) -> answer
Ask a question which need a Yes/No answer
question (String) : Question to display
defaultValue (Boolean) : Default value (if interfactive mode is disabled) [optional] (default: false)
Return value:
answer (Boolean) : True if the user say Yes, else False
choose(message, values[, defaultValue]) -> choice
Invite the user to choose one value between multiple choice
message (String) : Message to display
values (StringList) : Possible values to choose
defaultValue (Int) : Default value index [optional] (default: 0)
Return value:
choice (Int) : Index of the choosen value in the values list
Display a message (or a MessageBox in GUI)
msg (String) : Message to display
Switch between interactive mode and non-interactive mode, UI functions will no ask user on non-interactive mode and will return default values
interactive (Boolean) : True if you want to enter interactive mode, else False [optional] (default: true)
isInteractiveMode() -> interactive
Returns True if the script is in interactive mode, else returns false
Return value:
interactive (Boolean) : True if interactive, else false
getColorFromIndex(index) -> color
Returns a unique color associated with an index
index (Int) : Index of the color (index must be less than 2^24)
Return value:
color (Color) : The unique color associated to the given index
Module: geom
changeOfBasisMatrix(origin, x, y, z) -> changeOfBasis
Construct a Change of Basis Matrix (e.g multiplying the point [0,0,0] will result to the point origin)
origin (Point3) : Origin of the new basis
x (Vector3) : X axis of the new basis
y (Vector3) : Y axis of the new basis
z (Vector3) : Z axis of the new basis
Return value:
changeOfBasis (Matrix4) : The change of basis matrix
invertMatrix(matrix) -> inverted
Invert a matrix
matrix (Matrix4) : The matrix to invert
Return value:
inverted (Matrix4) : The inverted matrix
multiplyMatrices(left, right) -> result
Multiply two matrices, returns left*right
left (Matrix4) : Left side matrix
right (Matrix4) : Right side matrix
Return value:
result (Matrix4) : Result of the matrices multiplication
multiplyMatrixPoint(matrix, point) -> result
Multiply a point by a matrix (i.e apply the matrix to a point)
matrix (Matrix4) : The matrix to apply
point (Point3) : The point to multiply
Return value:
result (Point3) : The resulting point
multiplyMatrixVector(matrix, vector) -> result
Multiply a vector by a matrix (i.e apply the matrix to a vector)
matrix (Matrix4) : The matrix to apply
vector (Vector3) : The vector to multiply
Return value:
result (Vector3) : The resulting point
Module: algo
decimateTarget(scenePaths, targetTriangleCount[, removeSmallParts])
Experimental :reduce the polygon count by removing some vertices to obtain a target triangle count
scenePaths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths of components to process
targetTriangleCount (Int) : Target triangle count
removeSmallParts (Boolean) : If true, allows suppression of small parts [optional] (default: true)
Experimental :Replace an object by its convex hull
scenePaths (ScenePathList) : ScenePath of components to replace
Module: material
createMaterialFromExtract(extract[, images]) -> material
Create material from a material extract
extract (MaterialExtract) : The structure containing all the material informations
images (ImageDefinitionList) : Definition of images used by material textures, image must have been imported first [optional] (default: )
Return value:
material (Material) : The created material
getImageDefinition(image) -> definition
Returns the raw data of an image
image (Image) : The image
Return value:
definition (ImageDefinition) : Definition of the image
importImageDefinition(imageDef) -> image
Import an image from its raw data
imageDef (ImageDefinition) : The image definition
Return value:
image (Image) : The created image
Module: scene
getOBB(paths) -> obb
Returns the Oriented Bounding Box of a list of scene paths (works only on meshes, fast method, not the Minimum Volume Box)
paths (ScenePathList) : List of paths to retrieve the AABB
Return value:
obb (OBB) : The oriented bounding box of all given paths
Create a scene from a scene extract (cf. getSceneExtract)
extract (SceneExtract) : The structure containing all the scene informations
getSceneExtract(root[, returnMeshes[, returnProperties[, returnImages[, matrixMode[, materialsMode[, visibilityMode]]]]]]) -> scene
Returns an extract of the whole scene in one call
root (Occurrence) : The root occurrence of the sub-scene wanted
returnMeshes (Boolean) : If true, meshes are returned in the SceneExtract [optional] (default: true)
returnProperties (Boolean) : If true, properties and instanceProperties are returned in the SceneExtract [optional] (default: true)
returnImages (Boolean) : If true, image of textures are returned in the SceneExtract [optional] (default: true)
matrixMode (MatrixExtractMode) : Define how matrices are returned, see doc of MatrixExtractMode [optional] (default: 1)
materialsMode (MaterialExtractMode) : Define how materials are returned, see doc of MaterialExtractMode [optional] (default: 1)
visibilityMode (VisibilityExtractMode) : Define how visibilities are returned, see doc of VisibilityExtractMode [optional] (default: 1)
Return value:
scene (SceneExtract) : The structure containing all wanted informations
moveOccurrence(occurrence, parent)
Move an occurrence under another occurrence (new parent)
occurrence (Occurrence) : Occurrence to move
parent (Occurrence) : The new parent occurrence (the new parent must be an assembly or an instance, if it is an instance, the old reference will not be instanciated anymore by the instance)
replaceMaterialsOnSelection(selection, oldMaterial, newMaterial)
Replace a material by another anywhere it is used in a selection
selection (ScenePathList) : The selection scenePaths list
oldMaterial (Material) : The material to replace
newMaterial (Material) : The new material to set
setInstanceRef(instance, reference)
Change the reference of an instance
instance (Instance) : The instance to modify
reference (Component) : The new component pointed to by the instance
Module: algo
normalizeUV(scenePaths, srcUVChannel[, dstUVChannel[, uniform[, sharedUVSpace[, ignoreNullIslands]]]])
Normalize UVs to fit in the [0-1] uv space
scenePaths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths of part to process
srcUVChannel (Int) : UV Channel to normalize
dstUVChannel (Int) : UV channel to store the normalized UV (if -1, srcUVChannel will be replaced) [optional] (default: -1)
uniform (Boolean) : If true, the scale will be uniform. Else UV can be deformed with a non-uniform scale [optional] (default: true)
sharedUVSpace (Boolean) : If true, all parts will be processed as if they were merged to avoid overlapping of their UV coordinates [optional] (default: true)
ignoreNullIslands (Boolean) : If true, islands with null height and width will be ignored and their UV coordinates will be set to [0,0] (Slower if enabled) [optional] (default: false)
repackUV(scenePaths[, channel[, shareMap[, resolution[, padding[, uniformRatio[, iterations[, removeOverlaps]]]]]]]) -> failedParts
Pack existing UV (create atlas)
scenePaths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths of part to process
channel (Int) : The UV channel to repack [optional] (default: 0)
shareMap (Boolean) : If True, the UV of all given parts will be packed together [optional] (default: true)
resolution (Int) : Resolution wanted for the final map [optional] (default: 1024)
padding (Int) : Set the padding (in pixels) between UV islands [optional] (default: 2)
uniformRatio (Boolean) : If true, UV of different part will have the same ratio [optional] (default: false)
iterations (Int) : Fitting iterations [optional] (default: 3)
removeOverlaps (Boolean) : Remove overlaps to avoid multiple triangles UVs to share the same pixel [optional] (default: true)
Return value:
failedParts (PartList) : Parts which failed to be repacked at this resolution (try to increase the resolution or decrease the padding)
smartHiddenCreateVisibilityInformation(scenePaths, voxelSize, minimumCavityVolume, resolution[, mode])
Create visilibity information on parts viewed from a set of camera automatically generated
scenePaths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths of components to process
voxelSize (Distance) : Size of the voxels in mm (smaller it is, more viewpoints there are)
minimumCavityVolume (Volume) : Minimum volume of a cavity in cubic meter (smaller it is, more viewpoints there are)
resolution (Int) : Resolution of the visibility viewer
mode (SmartHiddenType) : Select where to place camera (all cavities, only outter or only inner cavities) [optional] (default: 0)
smartHiddenRemoval(scenePaths, level, voxelSize, minimumCavityVolume, resolution[, mode])
Delete parts, patches or polygons not viewed from a set of camera automatically generated
scenePaths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths of components to process
level (SelectionLevel) : Level of parts to remove : Parts, Patches or Polygons
voxelSize (Distance) : Size of the voxels in mm (smaller it is, more viewpoints there are)
minimumCavityVolume (Volume) : Minimum volume of a cavity in cubic meter (smaller it is, more viewpoints there are)
resolution (Int) : Resolution of the visibility viewer
mode (SmartHiddenType) : Select where to place camera (all cavities, only outter or only inner cavities) [optional] (default: 0)
smartHiddenSelection(scenePaths, voxelSize, minimumCavityVolume, resolution[, mode])
Select parts not viewed from a set of camera automatically generated
scenePaths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths of components to process
voxelSize (Distance) : Size of the voxels in mm (smaller it is, more viewpoints there are)
minimumCavityVolume (Volume) : Minimum volume of a cavity in cubic meter (smaller it is, more viewpoints there are)
resolution (Int) : Resolution of the visibility viewer
mode (SmartHiddenType) : Select where to place camera (all cavities, only outter or only inner cavities) [optional] (default: 0)
Module: scene
findByActiveMaterial(material[, roots]) -> paths
Find all part occurrence with a given material as active material (i.e. as seen in the rendering)
material (Material) : A material
roots (ScenePathList) : If specified, restrict the search from the given roots [optional] (default: )
Return value:
paths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths or part with the given material as active material
findByAllProperty(property, regex[, roots]) -> paths
Returns all scene paths which a property value or an occurrence property matches the given regular expression (ECMAScript)
property (String) : Property name
regex (Regex) : Regular expression (ECMAScript)
roots (ScenePathList) : If specified, restrict the search from the given roots [optional] (default: )
Return value:
paths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths which matches the given regular expression
findByName(regex[, roots]) -> paths
Returns all scene paths which name matches the given regular expression (ECMAScript)
regex (Regex) : Regular expression (ECMAScript)
roots (ScenePathList) : If specified, restrict the search from the given roots [optional] (default: )
Return value:
paths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths which matches the given regular expression
findByOccurrenceProperty(property, regex[, roots]) -> paths
Returns all scene paths which an occurrence property value matches the given regular expression (ECMAScript)
property (String) : Occurrence property name
regex (Regex) : Regular expression (ECMAScript)
roots (ScenePathList) : If specified, restrict the search from the given roots [optional] (default: )
Return value:
paths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths which matches the given regular expression
findByProperty(property, regex[, roots]) -> paths
Returns all scene paths which a property value matches the given regular expression (ECMAScript)
property (String) : Property name
regex (Regex) : Regular expression (ECMAScript)
roots (ScenePathList) : If specified, restrict the search from the given roots [optional] (default: )
Return value:
paths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths which matches the given regular expression
getOccurrenceChildren(occurrence[, returnInstances]) -> children
Returns the children of the given occurrence
occurrence (Occurrence) : The parent occurrence
returnInstances (Boolean) : If true, the instance node occurrences are returned, else their child are directly returned [optional] (default: false)
Return value:
children (OccurrenceList) : The children occurrences
getOccurrenceParent(occurrence[, returnInstance]) -> parent
Returns the parent of the given occurrence
occurrence (Occurrence) : The child occurrence
returnInstance (Boolean) : If the parent occurrence is an instance node: if returnInstances is true it will be returned, else the parent of the instance node will be returned (skip instance occurrence) [optional] (default: false)
Return value:
parent (Occurrence) : The parent occurrence