STUDIO Toolbar
The Main Toolbar contains shortcuts to PiXYZ STUDIO main functionalities:
Item |
Description |
Import wizard for easy 3D file import in PiXYZ STUDIO See also: Import Wizard |
Import a 3D file in PiXYZ from almost any CAD format. See also: Supported File Formats |
Export the entire scene (geometries, materials, hierarchy) in various file formats (*.fbx, *.3dxml, *.usdz,...). See also: Supported File Formats |
Save the scene to a *.pxz project. |
Clean and reset the scene (new empty project). |
Open Material Library. See also: Material Library |
Temporary visual override of all materials visible in the scene using predefined shaders/materials:
Fit camera view to selected objects (also accessible from the Edit Menu). |
Backface culling rendering modes:
Switch the viewport display between shown occurrences (visibility or inherited visibility ON) and hidden occurrences (visibility or inherited visibility OFF). See also: Showing and Hiding Entities |
Switch to fullscreen (viewport only). Click ESC key or the "Windowed" button to exit fullscreen mode. |
Take a snapshot of the camera view by saving it to a *.png file (browser prompted). |
Drop-down list used to set the camera view to predefined camera orthographic views, and to set the camera type (perepctive or orthographic) |
X-ray mode: adjust scene global transparency rendering setting. Click the icon or use the drop-down list to toggle between transparency values (25% steps). |
Display native CAD representation (CAD faces). They are represented as primitive wireframes. |
Display wireframe: triangle edges are drawn in the viewport. |
Display shaded mesh: triangles faces are drawn in the viewport. |
Display CAD patches boundaries (black lines by default) and lines (green polylines by default) |
Display Point Cloud and CAD points. |