The Scene Menu contains the most commonly used algorithms to manage the Product Structure, in order to optimize it:

Menu option


Keyboard Shortcut

Merge Final Assemblies

Convert final assemblies (assemblies with only parts as children) into parts by merging their children

Merge Assemblies By Tree Level

Reduce the Product Structure depth by merging together all parts located beyond the specified level

Merge Parts

Merges all selected parts together, as one single part.

Merge Parts By Material

Merges selected parts with one part by existing material

Transfer CAD Materials On Parts

All materials inherited from a parent node or from the CAD surfaces of a Part are transferred to the Material Property of this Part. This action is executed for each Part of the hierarchy. This makes the material management easier in PiXYZ STUDIO.

Compress Tree

Compresses a sub-tree of the Product Structure (hierarchy) by removing empty nodes, or any node containing only one sub-node, and by removing useless instances.

Rake Tree

Simplifies the Product Structure (hierarchy) by transferring all Occurrences under the root node of the scene (flattens all transforms).

Apply Transformation

Change transformation matrix.

Create Symmetry

Create planar symmetry from selection.

Make Instances Unique

Destroy connection between instances

Reset Transform

Set all transformation matrices to identity

Delete Empty Parts

Delete parts with deactivate “Visibility” attribute

Delete Empty Assemblies

Delete assemblies without children

Rename Long Part Name

Automatically reduce long character chains in assembly and part name attribute.

NOTE                Optimizing the Product Structure can be very beneficial to limit the number of draw calls and maximizing performances in the final staging tool (Unity for example), as less transformation matrices are computed.