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Algo :: automaticUVMapping


   Generates the texture coordinates and automatically cut

GUI Dialog


Script function

   algo.automaticUVMapping(scenePaths[, channel[, maxAngleDistorsion[, maxAreaDistorsion[, sharpToSeam[, forbidOverlapping[, scaleToOne]]]]]])


   scenePaths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths of part to process
   channel (Int[optional] : The UV channel which will contains the texture coordinates
   maxAngleDistorsion (Double[optional] : Maximum angle distorsion |2PI-SumVtxAng|/2PI
   maxAreaDistorsion (Double[optional] : Maximum area distorsion before scale to 1. |2DArea-3DArea|/3DArea
   sharpToSeam (Bool[optional] : If enabled, sharp edges are automatically considered as UV seams
   forbidOverlapping (Bool[optional] : If enabled, UV cannot overlap
   scaleToOne (Bool[optional] : Scale UV to fit between [0-1]