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Algo :: generateNormalMap



GUI Dialog


Script function

   algo.generateNormalMap(scenePaths, resolution[, shareMap[, tangentSpace[, uvChannel]]]) -> normalMaps


   scenePaths (ScenePathList) : ScenePath of components for map generation
   resolution (Int) : Map resolution
   shareMap (Boolean[optional] : Map is shared by all given scene paths. If UV overlaps, the result is undefined
   tangentSpace (Boolean[optional] : If true, normal map is generated in tangent space, else it is generated in object space
   uvChannel (Int[optional] : Uv channel to use for the map generation, the UVs must be normalized (fit in [0-1])

Return value

   normalMaps (ImageList) : List of normal maps generated for the given scene paths, if shareMap=true, the list contains only one image