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Algo :: identifyLinesOfInterest


   Create a tesssellation attribute to identify lines of interest (needed by some functions)

GUI Icon


GUI Dialog


Script function

   algo.identifyLinesOfInterest(scenePaths[, useAttributesFilter[, useSharpEdgeFilter[, sharpAngle[, useBoundaryFilter[, useNonManifoldFilter[, useLineEdgeFilter[, useQuadLineFilter]]]]]]]) -> lineOfInterestAttributes


   scenePaths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths of components to process
   useAttributesFilter (Boolean[optional] :
   useSharpEdgeFilter (Boolean[optional] :
   sharpAngle (Angle[optional] : Sharp angle in degree, if negative the default sharp angle value is used
   useBoundaryFilter (Boolean[optional] :
   useNonManifoldFilter (Boolean[optional] :
   useLineEdgeFilter (Boolean[optional] :
   useQuadLineFilter (Boolean[optional] :

Return value

   lineOfInterestAttributes (EntityList) : List of line of interest attribute for each tessellation