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Algo :: normalizeUV


   Normalize UVs to fit in the [0-1] uv space

GUI Dialog


Script function

   algo.normalizeUV(scenePaths, srcUVChannel[, dstUVChannel[, uniform[, sharedUVSpace[, ignoreNullIslands]]]])


   scenePaths (ScenePathList) : Scene paths of part to process
   srcUVChannel (Int) : UV Channel to normalize
   dstUVChannel (Int[optional] : UV channel to store the normalized UV (if -1, srcUVChannel will be replaced)
   uniform (Boolean[optional] : If true, the scale will be uniform. Else UV can be deformed with a non-uniform scale
   sharedUVSpace (Boolean[optional] : If true, all parts will be processed as if they were merged to avoid overlapping of their UV coordinates
   ignoreNullIslands (Boolean[optional] : If true, islands with null height and width will be ignored and their UV coordinates will be set to [0,0] (Slower if enabled)