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Scene :: getSceneExtract


   Returns an extract of the whole scene in one call

GUI Dialog


Script function

   scene.getSceneExtract(root[, returnMeshes[, returnProperties[, returnImages[, matrixMode[, materialsMode[, visibilityMode]]]]]]) -> scene


   root (Occurrence) : The root occurrence of the sub-scene wanted
   returnMeshes (Boolean[optional] : If true, meshes are returned in the SceneExtract
   returnProperties (Boolean[optional] : If true, properties and instanceProperties are returned in the SceneExtract
   returnImages (Boolean[optional] : If true, image of textures are returned in the SceneExtract
   matrixMode (MatrixExtractMode[optional] : Define how matrices are returned, see doc of MatrixExtractMode
   materialsMode (MaterialExtractMode[optional] : Define how materials are returned, see doc of MaterialExtractMode
   visibilityMode (VisibilityExtractMode[optional] : Define how visibilities are returned, see doc of VisibilityExtractMode

Return value

   scene (SceneExtract) : The structure containing all wanted informations