Navigation Controls
PiXYZ STUDIO offers 2 different modes to navigate in the viewport: "Standard" (DCC-like navigation) or “Catia-like navigation” mode (mouse only).
By default, the navigation is set to Standard.
You can choose the 3D viewer navigation mode in the Preferences window.
To manipulate the camera position and orientation in the viewport, use the following key combinations for each navigation mode:
Standard Navigation
Combinations |
Description |
Rotate camera |
Pan camera |
Zoom camera |
Catia-Like Navigation
Combinations |
Description |
Rotate camera |
Pan camera |
Zoom camera |
Camera Rotation Center
The rotation center is the camera pivot point.
It is represented in the viewport by a 3D move & rotate gizmo to help you manipulate the view:
Item |
Description |
Changes rotation center (camera pivot point). Automatically centers the camera view on the selected pixel. The click needs to be executed on an occurrence (part) present in the viewport. |
Fit Camera View
To fit the camera view to the current selection of parts in the viewport, use:
- CTRL + F keyboard shortcut
- The Fit view button from the STUDIO Toolbar:
NOTE When nothing is selected in the viewport (or the "Root" node is selected), the view is fit to the bounding box of the scene.