Python API Change Log
PiXYZ STUDIO 2019.2.0.57 to 2019.2.1.12
(Released February 05, 2020)
No changes in the Python API.
PiXYZ STUDIO 2019.1.2.15 to 2019.2.0.57
(Released November 25, 2019)
NOTE Quickly access all PiXYZ STUDIO API functions using the Function List, accessible from the F12 shortcut, and from the Main Toolbar.
Module: scene
- scene.createSceneFromExtract
- scene.getBRepShapeModel
- scene.getSceneExtract
- scene.getSelectionedOccurrences
- scene.getTessellatedShapeMesh
- scene.getVariantRoot
Module: algo
- algo.combineMeshesByMaterials (replaces algo.combineMeshesByVisibleMaterials -> deprecated)
- algo.deleteFreeVertices
- algo.deletePolygons
- algo.orientFromCamera
- algo.smoothMesh
Module: CAD
- cad.createIntersectionCurve
Module: core
- core.addProgressChangedCallback
- core.addProgressStepFinishedCallback
- core.addProgressStepStartCallback
- core.configureInterfaceLogger
- core.getEvent
- core.getInterfaceLoggerConfiguration
- core.getLicenseServer
- core.isFloatingLicense
- core.removeProgressChangedCallback
- core.removeProgressStepFinishedCallback
- core.removeProgressStepStartCallback
Module: material
- material.addUniformProperty
- material.convertHeightMapToNormalMap
- material.convertNormalMapToHeightMap
- material.createCustomMaterialPattern
- material.createImagesFromDefinitions
- material.createMaterialsFromDefinitions
- material.getImageDefinitions
- material.getMaterialDefinition
- material.getMaterialDefinitions
- material.setFragmentShader
- material.setVertexShader
Module: polygonal
- polygonal.createMeshesFromDefinitions
- polygonal.getMeshDefinition
Module: scene
- scene.addVariant
- scene.createAlternativeTree
- scene.createCompleteTree
- scene.createMetadatasFromDefinitions
- scene.createPartsFromMeshes
- scene.duplicateVariant
- scene.findByMetadata
- scene.getAlternativeTreeRoot
- scene.getCompleteTree
- scene.getComponentByOccurrence
- scene.getMetadata
- scene.getMetadatasDefinitions
- scene.getPartMesh
- scene.getPartModel
- scene.getPartsMeshes
- scene.getPartsTransforms
- scene.getPartsTransformsIndexed
- scene.getVariantTree
- scene.listAlternativeTrees
- scene.removeVariant
- scene.setCurrentVariant
- scene.setPartsTransforms
- scene.setPartsTransformsIndexed
- scene.setVariantTree
Module: view
- view.addBeforeRefreshCallback
- view.removeBeforeRefreshCallback
Module: material
- material.importImageDefinition -> material.createImageFromDefinition
Module: scene
- scene.getVariantRoot -> scene.getVariantTree
Module: algo
- algo.combineMeshesByVisibleMaterials
- algo.toEditableMesh
- algo.toStaticMesh
Module: algo
bakeMaps(destinationOccurrences, sourceOccurrences, mapsToBake, /, channel, resolution, padding, shareMaps, mapSuffix, additionalCustomMaps)
Bake texture maps on meshes from self or other meshes
destinationOccurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of the meshes where to store the baked map
sourceOccurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of components from which to bake maps (if empty use destination)
mapsToBake : MapTypeList
List of map to generate (Normal, Diffuse, ...)
channel : Int , optional
(default: 0)
UV channel of destOccurrence to use for the map generation
resolution : Int , optional
(default: 1024)
Map resolution
padding : Int , optional
(default: 1)
Add padding to the map
shareMaps : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If true, all the destinationOccurrences will share the same maps
mapSuffix : String , optional
(default: "")
Add a suffix to the map names
additionalCustomMaps : CustomBakeMapList , optional
(default: )
Additional custom maps to bake
decimateTarget(occurrences, targetTriangleCount, removeSmallParts)
Experimental :reduce the polygon count by removing some vertices to obtain a target triangle count using the method with quadrics
marchingCubes(occurrences, voxelSize, /, elements)
Replace the tessellations of the selected parts by a marching cube representation
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
voxelSize : Distance
Size of voxels
elements : ElementFilter , optional
(default: 0)
Type of elements used to detect the voxels, polygons or points or hybrid
proxyMesh(occurrences, voxelSize, /, elements)
Replace the tessellations of the selected parts by a proxy mesh based on a voxelization
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
voxelSize : Distance
Size of voxels
elements : ElementFilter , optional
(default: 0)
Type of elements used to detect the voxels, polygons or points or hybrid
voxelize(occurrences, voxelSize, /, elements)
Replace the tessellations of the selected parts by a voxelization of the external skin
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
voxelSize : Distance
Size of voxels
elements : ElementFilter , optional
(default: 0)
Type of elements used to detect the voxels, polygons or points or hybrid
Module: cad
createCurveExtrusionSurface(generatrixCurve, directrixCurve, refSurface, precision)
Create a new curveExtrusion surface
generatrixCurve : LimitedCurve
The generatrix curve
directrixCurve : LimitedCurve
The directrix curve
refSurface : Surface
The reference surface
precision : Double
The precision for the evaluation of points
invertCurve(curve, precision)
Invert a curve parametrically
curve : Curve
The curve to invert
precision : Double
The precision used to invert the curve
Module: scene
mergePartsByAssemblies(roots, mergeHiddenPartsMode, CollapseToParent, /)
Merge all parts under each assembly together
roots : OccurrenceList , optional
(default: 0)
Roots occurrences for the process (will not be removed)
mergeHiddenPartsMode : MergeHiddenPartsMode , optional
(default: 2)
Hidden parts handling mode, Destroy them, make visible or merge separately