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IO :: importWizard


   Import wizard for easy 3D file import

GUI Icon


GUI Dialog


Script function

   io.importWizard(fileName, coordinateSystem, importOptions, tessellationSettings, materialAssignment)


   fileName (ImportFilePath) : Specifies the file to import in PiXYZ
   coordinateSystem (ImportWizardCoordinateSystem) : Specifies the configuration (scale and coordinate system) used in the source software for the imported file, to conform it to PiXYZ own configuration (millimeters / right-handed / Y-up axis)
   importOptions (ImportWizardImportOptions) : Filters the types of data imported. The Hierarchy Mode setting specifies how hierarchy (or tree) is processed at import
   tessellationSettings (ImportWizardTessellationSettings) : Sets the BRep (original CAD surfaces) repair settings and the tessellation quality for the imported file
   materialAssignment (ImportWizardMaterialAssignment) : Configures the way materials are assigned to the hierarchy (or tree) of the imported file. Keep As Assigned In Original CAD File option keeps materials as applied in the imported file. Transfer CAD Materials On Parts transfers, for each part of the hierarchy, the material potentially inherited from its parents (the one visually applied on the part)