The Product Structure offers actions accessible from contextual menus (right-click).

Depending if one occurrence, multiple occurrences or no occurrence is/are selected, the contextual menu is different:

With nothing Selected

Menu option


Keyboard Shortcut

Show All

Shows all the occurrences of the tree, by setting each occurrence of the tree visibility (or "Visible" property) to "Inherited" value

With one Occurrence Selected

Menu option


Keyboard Shortcut


Shows the selected occurrences, by setting each selected occurrence visibility (or "Visible" property) to "True" value


Show All

Shows all the occurrences of the tree, by setting each occurrence of the tree visibility (or "Visible" property) to "Inherited" value


Hides the selected occurrences, by setting each selected occurrence visibility (or "Visible" property) to "False" value


Invert Visibility

Inverts the selected occurrences visibility (setting the "Visible" property value to "False" or "True" depending on its original visibility)


Create Occurrence From Selection

Creates a new occurrence parenting the occurrences being selected, in order to group them

Move Occurrences In Tree

Moves the selected occurrences in the tree by parenting them to the "Destination" occurrence

TIP                This action can be performed interactively from the Product Structure by drag-and-dropping the selected occurrences where desired in the tree

Move Pivot Points...

Used to manage the pivot point of the selected occurrences


Lists functions used to manage re-tessellation capabilities

Invert Orientation

Inverts the orientation of the mesh faces of the selected occurrences

Export Selection

Exports the selected occurrences to a supported file format

Delete Selection

Deletes the selected occurrences


Select Ancestor

Selects the first common ancestor of the current selection


Select Children

Selects the children for each occurrence of the current selection


Select Instances

Selects all the instances of the currently selected occurrence (providing it is instantiated multiple times in the scene)

Find Selection In Tree

Highlights and focuses the view on the selected occurrence(s) in the Product Structure


With Multiple Occurrences Selected

Menu option


Keyboard Shortcut


Shows the selected occurrences, by setting each selected occurrence visibility (or "Visible" property) to "True" value


Show All

Shows all the occurrences of the tree, by setting each occurrence of the tree visibility (or "Visible" property) to "Inherited" value


Hides the selected occurrences, by setting each selected occurrence visibility (or "Visible" property) to "False" value


Invert Visibility

Inverts the selected occurrences visibility (setting the "Visible" property value to "False" or "True" depending on its original visibility)


Create Occurrence From Selection

Creates a new occurrence parenting the occurrences being selected, in order to group them

Move Occurrences In Tree

Moves the selected occurrences in the tree by parenting them to the "Destination" occurrence

TIP                This action can be performed interactively from the Product Structure by drag-and-dropping the selected occurrences where desired in the tree

Move Pivot Points...

Used to manage the pivot point of the selected occurrences


Lists functions used to manage re-tessellation capabilities

Invert Orientation

Inverts the orientation of the mesh faces of the selected occurrences

Export Selection

Exports the selected occurrences to a supported file format

Delete Selection

Deletes the selected occurrences


Find Selection In Tree

Highlights and focuses the view on the selected occurrence(s) in the Product Structure