Python API Change Log
ABOUT Pixyz Batch
Because Pixyz Batch shares the same Python API with Pixyz Studio, all changes below also apply to Pixyz Batch
Release 2020.2.4.5 to 2020.2.6.2
(Released August 02, 2021)
Module: IO
exportSceneToReflect(root, sourceName, keepHierarchy, /)
Experimental :Export current scene to a reflect project
root : Occurrence , optional
(default: 0)
Identifier of the destination occurrence
sourceName : String , optional
(default: "")
Push source name
keepHierarchy : Boolean , optional
(default: false)
Keep hierarchy or rake tree
Release 2020.2.3.9 to 2020.2.4.5
(Released May, 17 2021)
No changes made to the Python API.
Release 2020.2.2.18 to 2020.2.3.9
(Released April 14, 2021)
Module: View
- view.getViewerSize()
- Added "ExportFilePath" type to define a File path with the list of supported formats at export, to use in a plugin
Release 2020.2.1.9 to 2020.2.2.18
(Released February 17, 2021)
No changes made to the Python API.
Release 2020.2.0.64 to 2020.2.1.9
(Released December 07, 2020)
Module: Algo
decimateEdgeCollapse(occurrences, surfacicTolerance, /, boundaryWeight, normalWeight, UVWeight, sharpNormalWeight, UVSeamWeight, normalMaxDeviation, forbidUVOverlaps, UVMaxDeviation, UVSeamMaxDeviation, protectTopology)
Experimental :reduce the polygon count by collapsing some edges to obtain an simplified mesh
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of components to process
surfacicTolerance : Distance
Error max between the simplified mesh et the old one
boundaryWeight : Double , optional
(default: 1.)
Boundary importance during the decimation
normalWeight : Double , optional
(default: 1.)
Normal importance during the decimation
UVWeight : Double , optional
(default: 1.)
UV importance during the decimation
sharpNormalWeight : Double , optional
(default: 1.)
Importance of sharp edges during the decimation
UVSeamWeight : Double , optional
(default: 10.)
Importance of UV seams during the decimation
normalMaxDeviation : Angle , optional
(default: -1)
Constraint the normals deviation on decimated model
forbidUVOverlaps : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
Forbid UV to fold over and overlap during the decimation
UVMaxDeviation : Double , optional
(default: -1)
Constraint the uv deviation on decimated model
UVSeamMaxDeviation : Double , optional
(default: -1)
Constraint the uv seams deviation on decimated model
protectTopology : Boolean , optional
(default: false)
If false, the topology of the mesh can change and some edges can become non-manifold. But the visual quality will be better on model with complex topology
decimateTarget(occurrences, TargetStrategy, /, boundaryWeight, normalWeight, UVWeight, sharpNormalWeight, UVSeamWeight, forbidUVFoldovers, protectTopology)
reduce the polygon count by collapsing some edges to obtain a target triangle count
occurrences : OccurrenceList
List of occurrences to process
TargetStrategy : DecimateOptionsSelector
Select between targetCount or ratio to define the number of triangles left after the decimation process
boundaryWeight : Double , optional
(default: 1.)
Defines how important the edges defining the mesh boundaries (free edges) are during the decimation process, to preserve them from distortion
normalWeight : Double , optional
(default: 1.)
Defines how important vertex normals are during the decimation process, to preserve the smoothing of the mesh from being damaged
UVWeight : Double , optional
(default: 1.)
Defines how important UVs (texture coordinates) are during the decimation process, to preserve them from being distorted (along with the textures using the UVs)
sharpNormalWeight : Double , optional
(default: 1.)
Defines how important sharp edges (or hard edges) are during the decimation process, to preserve them from being distorted
UVSeamWeight : Double , optional
(default: 10.)
Defines how important UV seams (UV islands contours) are during the decimation process, to preserve them from being distorted (along with the textures using the UVs)
forbidUVFoldovers : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
Forbids UVs to fold over and overlap each other during the decimation
protectTopology : Boolean , optional
(default: false)
If False, the topology of the mesh can change and some edges can become non-manifold; but the visual quality will be better on model with complex topology
hiddenRemoval(occurrences, level, resolution, sphereCount, /, fovX, considerTransparentOpaque, adjacencyDepth)
Delete parts, patches or polygons not viewed from a sphere around the scene
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of components to process
level : SelectionLevel
Level of parts to remove : Parts, Patches or Polygons
resolution : Int
Resolution of the visibility viewer
sphereCount : Int
Segmentation of the sphere sphereCount x sphereCount
fovX : Double , optional
(default: 90)
Horizontal field of view (in degree)
considerTransparentOpaque : Boolean , optional
(default: false)
If True, Parts, Patches or Polygons with a transparent appearance are considered as opaque
adjacencyDepth : Int , optional
(default: 1)
Mark neighbors polygons as visible
viewedOccurrences : BoolList
For each occurrence in occurrences, tell if the occurrence has been viewed (True) or not (True)
hiddenRemovalViewPoints(occurrences, level, cameraPositions, cameraDirections, cameraUps, resolution, /, fovX, considerTransparentOpaque, adjacencyDepth)
Delete parts, patches or polygons not viewed from a set of camera position/orientation
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of components to process
level : SelectionLevel
Level of parts to remove : Parts, Patches or Polygons
cameraPositions : Point3List
List of camera positions
cameraDirections : Point3List
List of camera directions
cameraUps : Point3List
List of camera up vectors
resolution : Int
Resolution of the visibility viewer
fovX : Double , optional
(default: 90)
Horizontal field of view (in degree)
considerTransparentOpaque : Boolean , optional
(default: false)
If True, Parts, Patches or Polygons with a transparent appearance are considered as opaque
adjacencyDepth : Int , optional
(default: 1)
Mark neighbors polygons as visible
viewedOccurrences : BoolList
For each occurrence in occurrences, tell if the occurrence has been viewed (True) or not (True)
hiddenRemovalCamera(occurrences, level, cameraPositions, resolution, sphereCount, /, fovX, considerTransparentOpaque, adjacencyDepth)
Delete parts, patches or polygons not viewed from spheres generated with a set of camera position
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of components to process
level : SelectionLevel
Level of parts to remove : Parts, Patches or Polygons
cameraPositions : Point3List
List of camera positions
resolution : Int
Resolution of the visibility viewer
sphereCount : Int
Segmentation of the sphere sphereCount x sphereCount
fovX : Double , optional
(default: 90)
Horizontal field of view (in degree)
considerTransparentOpaque : Boolean , optional
(default: false)
If True, Parts, Patches or Polygons with a transparent appearance are considered as opaque
adjacencyDepth : Int , optional
(default: 1)
Mark neighbors polygons as visible
viewedOccurrences : BoolList
For each occurrence in occurrences, tell if the occurrence has been viewed (True) or not (True)
Release 2020.1.2.16 to 2020.2.0.64
(Released December 07, 2020)
Coming soon...
Release 2020.1.0.22 to 2020.1.1.7
(Released July 01, 2020)
In continuation of the 2019 breaking API changes, Pixyz Studio/Batch 2020.1 Python API becomes more typed and structured. To help migration from 2019 to 2020, find more information here
Module: IO
- io.exportSceneToShowIn3D()
Module: Scenario
- scenario.selectIdentical() (replaced by "scenario.selectSimilar()")
Module: Scenario
- scenario.createInstancesBySimilarity()
- scenario.selectSimilar()
Module: Algo
mapUvOnBox(occurrences, affine box, /, channel, overideExistingUvs)
Generate texture coordinates using the projection on a box
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
affine box : Box
Affine transformation of the box Box definition
channel : Int , optional
(default: 0)
The UV channel which will contains the texture coordinates
overideExistingUvs : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If True, overide existing UVs on channel
mapUvOnCylinder(occurrences, affine cylinder, /, channel, overideExistingUvs)
Generate texture coordinates using the projection on a cylinder
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
affine cylinder : Cylinder
Affine transformation of the cylinder Cylinder definition
channel : Int , optional
(default: 0)
The UV channel which will contains the texture coordinates
overideExistingUvs : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If True, overide existing UVs on channel
mapUvOnPlane(occurrences, affine Plane, /, channel, overideExistingUvs)
Generate texture coordinates using the projection on a plane
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
affine plane : Plane
Affine transformation of the plane Plane definition
channel : Int , optional
(default: 0)
The UV channel which will contains the texture coordinates
overideExistingUvs : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If True, overide existing UVs on channel
mapUvOnSphere(occurrences, affine sphere, /, channel, overideExistingUvs)
Generate texture coordinates using the projection on a sphere
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
affine sphere : Sphere
Affine transformation of the sphere Sphere definition
channel : Int , optional
(default: 0)
The UV channel which will contains the texture coordinates
overideExistingUvs : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If True, overide existing UVs on channel
Release 2019.2.1.12 to 2020.1.0.22
(Released April 20, 2020)
In continuation of the 2019 breaking API changes, Pixyz Studio/Batch 2020.1 Python API becomes more typed and structured. To help migration from 2019 to 2020, find more information here
Module: Algo
- algo.combineMeshesByVisibleMaterials
- algo.fillNormalMap
- algo.toEditableMesh
Module: CAD
- cad.addSurfaceDefinition()
Module: IO
- io.importWizard() (replaced by "wizardio.importWizard)")
Module: Algo
- algo.crackNonManifoldVertices
- algo.decimatePoint s
- algo.lineToTexture
- algo.moebiusCracker
- algo.optimizeTextureSize
- algo.removeMultiplePolygon
- algo.sewBoundary
- algo.sweep
Module: CAD
- cad.createCoEdge
- cad.getFaceParametricBoundaries
Module: Geom
- geom.fromTRS
- geom.toTRS
Module: IO
- io.importFiles()
Module: Material
- material.getImageSize
- material.resizeImage
Module: Scene
- scene.createCone
- scene.createCube
- scene.createCylinder
- scene.createImmersion
- scene.createOccurrenceFromText
- scene.createPlane
- scene.createRayProber
- scene.createTorus
- scene.getPartsModels
- scene.insertDefaultLightsInTree
- scene.mergePartsByName
- scene.selectPartOccurrencesInBox
- scene.updateRayProber
Module: View
- view.addNotification
- view.createViewer
- view.fitView
- view.getDepthTextureHandle
- view.getMainViewerCuttingPlaneProperty
- view.getMainViewerExplodeViewProperty
- view.getMainViewerProperty
- viewer.removeRoot
- viewer.setCameraPosition
- viewer.setMainViewerCuttingPlaneProperty
- viewer.setMainViewerExplodeViewProperty ?
- viewer.setMainViewerProperty
- viewer.setViewerMatrices
- viewer.takeScreenshot
- CoreGUI
- SceenGUI
- ViewGUI
- WizardIO
Module: Algo
- algo.backToBRep -> material.algo.backToInitialBRep
Module: CAD
- cad.getLoopOrientedEdges -> cad.getLoopCoEdges
Module: Algo
bakeMaps(destinationOccurrences, sourceOccurrences, mapsToBake, /, channel, resolution, padding, shareMaps, mapSuffix, additionalCustomMaps, tolerance)
Bake texture maps on meshes from self or other meshes
destinationOccurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of the meshes where to store the baked map
sourceOccurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of components from which to bake maps (if empty use destination)
mapsToBake : MapTypeList
List of map to generate (Normal, Diffuse, ...)
channel : Int , optional
(default: 0)
UV channel of destOccurrence to use for the map generation
resolution : Int , optional
(default: 1024)
Map resolution
padding : Int , optional
(default: 1)
Add padding to the map
shareMaps : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If true, all the destinationOccurrences will share the same maps
mapSuffix : String , optional
(default: "")
Add a suffix to the map names
additionalCustomMaps : CustomBakeMapList , optional
(default: )
Additional custom maps to bake
tolerance : Distance , optional
(default: -1)
Tolerance of projection for baking from source to destination
bakedMaps : ImageList
Baked map list
mapUvOnBox(occurrences, affine, /, channel, overideExistingUvs)
Generate texture coordinates using the projection on a box
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
affine : Affine Box
Affine transformation of the box
channel : Int , optional
(default: 0)
The UV channel which will contains the texture coordinates
overideExistingUvs : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If True, overide existing UVs on channel
mapUvOnCylinder(occurrences, affine, /, channel, overideExistingUvs)
Generate texture coordinates using the projection on a cylinder
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
affine : Affine Cylinder
Affine transformation of the cylinder
channel : Int , optional
(default: 0)
The UV channel which will contains the texture coordinates
overideExistingUvs : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If True, overide existing UVs on channel
mapUvOnPlane(occurrences, affine, /, channel, overideExistingUvs)
Generate texture coordinates using the projection on a plane
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
affine : Affine Plane
Affine transformation of the plane
channel : Int , optional
(default: 0)
The UV channel which will contains the texture coordinates
overideExistingUvs : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If True, overide existing UVs on channel
mapUvOnSphere(occurrences, affine, /, channel, overideExistingUvs)
Generate texture coordinates using the projection on a sphere
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Occurrences of part to process
affine : Affine Sphere
Affine transformation of the sphere
channel : Int , optional
(default: 0)
The UV channel which will contains the texture coordinates
overideExistingUvs : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If True, overide existing UVs on channel
Module: CAD
createLoop(edges coEdges, orientations, /, check)
Create a loop from a set of edges of a set of orientations
edges coEdges : CoEdgeList
List of edges coEdges composing the loop
orientations : OrientationList
List of orientations for each edges
check : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If true, the loop check if edges are well connected or not
get all parameters contained in the coEdge
coEdge : CoEdge
The coEdge
edge : Edge
The edge of the coEdge
edgeOrientation : Orientation
Orientation of the edge
loop : Loop
The loop containing the coEdge
surface : Surface
The surface of the coEdge
parametricCurve : LimitedSurface
The parametricCurve of the coEdge
get all parameters contained in the edge
edge : Edge
The edge
vertex1 : Vertex
The first vertex of the edge
vertex2 : Vertex
The second vertex of the edge
curve : Curve
The curve of the edge
bounds : Bounds1D
The bounds of the edge
surfaceDefinitions : EdgeSurfaceDefinitionList
Surfaces linked to the edges
get all parameters contain in the face
face : Face
The face
surface : Surface
The surface contain within the face
loops : LoopList
The loops contain within the face
orientation : Orientation
Relative orientation of the surface
getLoopOrientedEdges getLoopCoEdges
get all orientedEdges coEdges contain in the loop
loop : Loop
The loop
orientedEdges coEdges : CoEdgeList
The orientedEdges coEdges contain within the loop
Module: Core
setModuleProperty(module, propertyName, propertyValue)
Set the value of a module property
module : String
Name of the module
propertyName : String
The property name
propertyValue : String
The property value
value : String
The property value as String
Module: Scenario
generateLODChain(occurrences, /, decimateParametersList)
Automatically generates 3 LODs for the current selection.
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Scene paths of components to process
decimateParametersList : DecimateParametersList , optional
(default: [scenario.DecimateParameters(1., 0.1, 5.), scenario.DecimateParameters(2., 1., 10.)])
The list of all LOD decimate parameters
generatePhantomMesh(occurrences, /, generateDiffuseMap)
Automatically generates one unique optimized mesh out of the models in the scene, with material(s).
occurrences : OccurrenceList
Scene path of component to process
generateDiffuseMap : GenerateDiffuseMap , optional
(default: ["yes", [1024, 1]] scenario.BakeOptions(1024, 1)])
Module: Scene
createSpotLight(color, power, /, position, direction, cutoff)
Create a new spot light
color : Color
Color of the light
power : Double
Intensity of the light
position : Point3 , optional
(default: )
Relative position of the light
direction : Vector3 , optional
(default: [0,0,1] geom.Vector3(0,0,1))
Relative direction of the light
cutoff : Angle , optional
(default: 20)
Cutoff angle of the spot light
light : SpotLight
The created spot light
makeInstanceUnique(root occurrences, /)
Singularize all instances on the sub-tree of an occurrence
root occurrences : Occurrence OccurrenceList , optional
(default: 0)
Root occurrence for the process
resetTransform(root, keepPartTransform, / /, recursive, keepInstantiation, keepPartTransform)
Set all transformation matrices to identity in a sub-tree
root : Occurrence, optional
(default: 0)
Root occurrence for the process
recursive : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If False, transformation will be applied only on the root and its components
keepInstantiation : Boolean , optional
(default: true)
If False, all occurrences will be singularized
keepPartTransform : Boolean , optional
(default: false)
If False, transformation will be applied to the shapes (BRepShape points or TessellatedShape vertices)
Module: View
Returns the information of the current camera (used in the main viewer)
position : Point3 camera : Camera
Position of the camera Current camera