Pixyz Studio comes with a Python API and a Scripting Editor, allowing advanced users to create powerful scripts to automate complex or repetitive Data Preparation tasks.

Interactive and scriptable

Pixyz Studio's User Interface reflects the API based philosophy of the application: almost all functions available through the interface can be also called in scripting.

The Python API offers even more functions, to allow the user to create limitless Data Preparation recipies.

Getting started with Python Scripting in Pixyz

Whether you want to script short helper functions in Pixyz Studio or advanced data preparation scenarios for Pixyz Batch (or Pixyz Scenario Processor), check out this page to get started or improve your knowledge.

Pixyz Plugins

Plugins are the ultimate tool to allow advanced users to make Pixyz technology available to anyone in the company, by encapsulating Python scenarios in a friendly customized GUI.

Find more info about Plugins here.

Scripting for Pixyz Batch

To learn more about Pixyz Batch first, please see Pixyz Batch (and Pixyz Scenario Processor)

Pixyz Python scripts developed for Pixyz Batch (for batch treatment purposes) should be created and tested within Pixyz Studio, before being pushed to Pixyz Batch.

These scripts require the same syntax as a regular Pixyz Studio script, plus the use of additional functions to handle the import/export of files in order to process them with Pixyz core algorithms.

Please see Pixyz GitLab dedicated page to Pixyz Batch sample scripts.

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