occurrences (OccurrenceList) : Occurrences to bake in the billboard resolution (Int) [optional] : Total resolution of the billboard (contains all wanted faces) XPositive (Bool) [optional] : Bake face facing X+ XNegative (Bool) [optional] : Bake face facing X- YPositive (Bool) [optional] : Bake face facing Y+ YNegative (Bool) [optional] : Bake face facing Y- ZPositive (Bool) [optional] : Bake face facing Z+ ZNegative (Bool) [optional] : Bake face facing Z- moveFacesToCenter (Bool) [optional] : If true, all face are moved to the center of the AABB of the occurrences, else it will shape an AABB leftHandedNormalMap (Bool) [optional] : If true, a left handed normal map will be generated