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Scene :: getSubTreeStats


   Returns some stats of a sub tree

GUI Dialog


Script function

   scene.getSubTreeStats(root) -> (partCount, partOccurrenceCount, triangleCount, triangleOccurrenceCount, vertexCount, vertexOccurrenceCount)


   root (Occurrence) : The root of the sub tree

Return value

   partCount (Int) : Number of parts in the sub-tree (instances are counted once)
   partOccurrenceCount (Int) : Number of part occurrence in the sub-tree (instances are counted multiple times)
   triangleCount (Int) : Number of triangles in the sub-tree (instances are counted once, quadrangle count for 2 triangles)
   triangleOccurrenceCount (Int) : Number of triangles in the sub-tree (instances are counted multiples times, quadrangle count for 2 triangles)
   vertexCount (Int) : Number of surfacic vertices in the sub-tree (instances are counted once)
   vertexOccurrenceCount (Int) : Number of surfacic vertices in the sub-tree (instances are counted multiples times)