Pixyz Studio comes with a Measurement tool, accessible from the Measurement panel, allowing to quickly and precisely take measures on CAD and 3D models.  

The tool is able to measure any type of geometric entities: distance, radius, angle, center distance, plane inclination,...

How it works

Pixyz Studio uses a primitive recognition system to detect circles and polylines (patch boundaries)...

...and a snapping system to detect points (vertices).

These detection systems allow to quickly find useful primitives and points, from which you can create measurements.

IMPORTANT        For the Measurement tool to be able to detect circles, lines, points... the "Create Lines" function (menu "Mesh") needs to be run first.
The problem with that is that the scene ends up with a lot of polylines (made of multiple edges) attached to each mesh, that the user does not necessarily want to export in the end.
That is why Pixyz Studio does not create these lines automatically at import: indeed lines can make a model heavier, and slow down the Viewport (because of all the additional geometries to display)
Only create lines for the parts you wish to measure, and delete them afterwards!

How to use

Here are the steps to perform quick measurements :

  1. Select the part on which you want take a measure
  2. Go to menu "Mesh" and run the "Create Lines" function: This will create lines out of the patch borders, that will be used as guides to detect primitives (providing your model does have patch borders. If not, use the "Idenitfy Patches" function (menu "Mesh") first)
    Now your part is ready to be measured!
  3. Select the type of primitive/element you are willing to measure : Polyline (patch boundary), Circle or Point.
  4. Fly-over the models in the scene and follow the primitive recognition system to identify, select and measure elements
  5. Use or re-use primitives from the "Measurements" tab to calculte distances, radius,... or convert point to primitives (circle center,…)
  6. Once measure is done, do a "Delete Lines"  (menu "Mesh") to delte the unnecessary lines created at step 2