The Texture Library allows to manage the textures of the scene. It is accessible from the Materials Menu.

Theses textures can be used by the materials of the scene.

Through the Texture Library, Textures (or maps) can be imported or exported.

It also displays textures created through the Baking function of Pixyz Studio.



Add Button

Opens a browser to import a texture file (image) in the scene

NOTE                Supported image formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF and TGA.

Remove Button

Removes the currently selected button from the scene. All objects in the scene that used the removed material will appear gray in the viewport, meaning they will not have any material applied (and will be exported without material)

Texture List

Lists all the textures available in the scene. By default, the list is empty.

When importing a new 3D file, all textures contained in the imported file are added to the list of textures.

When baking textures with the Baking function, textures are listed in the Texture List.

Search Bar

Can be used to filter the Textures Library to the textures containing the typed text string only in their name.

Export Displayed Textures button

Exports all the textures listed int the Textures List to the chosen folder (use the right-click to export only selected textures)

NOTE                Textures exported from the Texture Library are exported as 8-bit PNG files

Right-click menu in the Texture List

Allows to export all textures from the Textures List (equivalent to the "Export Displayed Textures" button).

Textures List Selection

Multiple textures can be selected using the CTRL key.

Right-click menu on Selection

Allows to export all selected textures to the chosen folder.

Close button

Closes the Texture Library.