Class TessellationAttribute
A TessellationAttribute is an attribute applied to the elements of the tessellation. It can be normals, texture coordinates, patches or more advanced types like visibility attributes, curvatures attributes, etc...
Base class: Entity
classDiagram class TessellationAttribute Entity <|-- tessellationattribute="">|-->
Functions accepting this type or a list of this type as a parameter:
- core.cloneEntity
- core.deleteEntities
- core.entityExists
- core.getEntityType
- core.getEntityTypeString
- core.addCustomProperties
- core.addCustomProperty
- core.getProperties
- core.getProperty
- core.getPropertyInfo
- core.hasCustomProperty
- core.hasProperty
- core.listProperties
- core.listPropertiesBatch
- core.removeCustomProperty
- core.setProperties
- core.setProperty
- core.supportCustomProperties
- core.unsetProperty
- scene.linkPropertyToAnimation
- scene.unlinkPropertyToAnimation
Namespace: Polygonal