Customizing the Product Structure
By default, the Product structure displays the name of the occurrences and their visibility
In order to gain efficiency while reviewing the scene, the user can display further information regarding the occurrences listed in the tree through Fast Properties.
About Fast Properties
Each occurrence carries properties (see About Occurrences and Occurrence Properties for more information).
Each property (among ID
, Name
, Visible
, Material
, Transform
, Prototype
, or Custom Property
) can be made visible in the Product Structure, by making it a Fast Property, added as a column.
The column displays the property's value for each occurrence of the tree.
Displaying a lot of Fast Properties for scenes with a very large number of occurrences may impact the fluidity of navigation in the scene
Displaying a Fast Property
To display an occurrence property as a Fast Property:
- Select an occurrence
- Go to the Inspector panel
- In the
Occurrence Properties
folder, at the line of the property you wish to display as a fast property, right-click the property in the column, and click Add fast property "PropertyName"
- Right-click an occurrence from the Product Structure
- Go to Add Fast Properties and click the desired property
Removing a Fast Property
To remove a Fast Property:
- Right-click the top bar of the Product Structure panel, named Occurrences
- Remove the desired Fast Property by clicking the dedicate line in the contextual menu