Server license

A license is required to run Pixyz License Server. For license activation, follow this procedure:

1) Once Pixyz License Server is launched, go to the "License" tab to create a license file

2) Select "Generate"

3) Fill the License Form, the following parameters are required:

    • Server IP address
    • Server Port
    • Company
    • Site
    • Contact's name and email

3) Select "Generate" to save an Activation code (as a *.lic file) on your computer

4) The generated Activation code must now be activated by Pixyz Software. Send it at, Pixyz Software will send back an activated license which must be installed to finalize Pixyz Server License setup

5) Go to the "License" tab, select "Install" and browse to the "license.lic" file received from Pixyz Software

6) You might be asked to run a Windows installation executable, click “Yes”

7) To complete the setup, Pixyz License Server must be restarted after license installation

Floating licenses management

From the "Get tokens info from Server" tab, you can verify license installation and available tokens.