Hardware requirements

Here is the minimum configuration required to run Pixyz License Server efficiently:

  • Processor: 86 dual-core 2GHz
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Disk Space: 200 MB
  • Operating System: Windows Server 2012 or Server 2008R2

Setup procedure

To install Pixyz License Server, follow this procedure:

1) Execute the PixyzLicenseServer-x.x.x.x-win64.exe installer and follow the setup instructions.

2) You must agree to our user General Terms & Conditions by clicking on the "I accept" button to go on with Pixyz installation.

3) By default, the software will be installed in the ProgramFiles (x86) folder, but you can change the install folder at this step. To continue, press "Next".

4) By default, the installer will add a "PixyzLicenseServer" folder for program shortcuts in the programs menu. Click on "Install" to start PixyzLicenseServer setup.

5) After a few seconds, Pixyz License Server is installed.

Pixyz License Server can now be launched:

  • From the Start menu
  • From the desktop shortcut (if the « create Pixyz Desktop Icon » setting has been checked during the setup)
  • From the installation folder

NOTE                Installing Pixyz License Server requires administrator rights.