The Pixyz Plugin for Unity can also be embedded directly within applications built with Unity.
This gives the possibility to load complex CAD/3D data in Runtime mode using the *.PXZ format.

A common workflow is to process files using a server hosted Pixyz BATCH and send PXZ files to runtime unity applications. The Pixyz plugin can then open such files at incredible speeds and without any data loss (metadata, hierarchy, materials, ...)

The Import at Runtime functionnality can be used through the C# scripting API of this Plugin. Please check Importing Models from Code.

As this feature requires the user of the Standalone Application to have a Runtime License for Pixyz Plugin for Unity (see License activation in Runtime mode), it might be required to have a licensing menu in your standalone application.

An functionnal example can be found in the downloadable samples such as the Simple Viewer available at Feel free to use and tweak this until it suits your needs.

NOTE                This feature is only available for Windows Standalone builds (x64)

NOTE                To include Pixyz in Windows standalone builds, make sure the option is checked in Preferences > Pixyz

WARNING                Unity doesn't include a shader if it hasn't been set to be included and if no object uses it in the exported scene. In this case, Pixyz will fail loading that missing shader and no object will be imported. Make sure shaders are included before building.

For more detailed information regarding the application setup and execution, please contact Pixyz Support Team at

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