Standalone Windows
Follow the procedures below to set up the Windows package of Pixyz Scenario Processor:
- Workstation: Windows 10 minimum
- Server: Windows Server 2019 minimum
- Scenario Processor installation executable (download it here)
- Simply run the .exe file
- Checkout this page for information about licensing
- The license pixyz.lic is stored in the directory %programdata%/PiXYZScenarioProcessor\licenses
- The license server can also be registered in python scripts at runtime using core.configureLicenseServer("lics-it-gcp-p01", 27005, True)
- If the scenarios you want to run in Pixyz Scenario Processor come as Plugins, place them in either of these 2 places so they are loaded when Pixyz Scenario Processor is launched:
- ProgramData folder (%programdata%/PiXYZScenarioProcessor/plugins): place a plugin folder here to make it available for all computer users - recommended location
- AppData folder (%appdata%/PiXYZScenarioProcessor/plugins): place a plugin folder here to restrain plugin access to the concerned user