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Polygonal types
DressedPoly Definition Type DressedPoly is a structured type composed of these fields :GUI Widget
DressedPolyList Definition Type DressedPolyList is a list of DressedPoly GUI Widget
Edge GUI Icon Definition Type Edge is inherited from Element Description An Edge is composed by two vertices and is connected to the polygons of a tessellation. It is the dimension-1 elementGUI Widget
EdgeList Definition Type EdgeList is a list of Edge GUI Widget
EdgeListList Definition Type EdgeListList is a list of EdgeList GUI Widget
Element GUI Icon Definition Type Element is inherited from GeomEntity Description Element is the base type for polygons, edges and verticesGUI Widget
ElementList Definition Type ElementList is a list of Element GUI Widget
Mesh GUI Icon Definition Type Mesh is inherited from GeomEntity Description A mesh is the base class for a polygonal mesh. It is structured with polygons, edges and verticesGUI Widget
MeshDefinition Definition Type MeshDefinition is a structured type composed of these fields :id (Mesh )the mesh from which we get the definition
vertices (Point3List )vertices coordinates
normals (Vector3List )vertices normals
tangents (Vector3List )vertices tangents
uvChannels (IntList )UV channels
uvs (Point2ListList )array of vertices uv coordinates (one array per channel)
curvatures (CurvaturesList )vertices curvatures
triangles (IntList )triangles (vertex indices)
quadrangles (IntList )quadrangles (vertex indices)
vertexMerged (IntList )array which contains for each vertex in vertices the vertex that it is merged with
dressedPolys (DressedPolyList )array which contain information about multi materials mesh
linesVertices (Point3List )lines vertices coordinates
lines (StylizedLineList )lines vertices indices
Description Mesh definitionGUI Widget
MeshDefinitionList Definition Type MeshDefinitionList is a list of MeshDefinition GUI Widget
Patch GUI Icon Definition Type Patch is inherited from TessellationAttribute Description A Patch is a tessellation attribute used to segment the tessellation by grouping a set of polygonsGUI Widget
PatchList Definition Type PatchList is a list of Patch GUI Widget
Polygon GUI Icon Definition Type Polygon is inherited from Element Description A Polygon is composed by 3 or more edges. It is the dimension-2 elementGUI Widget
PolygonList Definition Type PolygonList is a list of Polygon GUI Widget
PolygonListList Definition Type PolygonListList is a list of PolygonList GUI Widget
StyleType Definition Type StyleType is an enumeration type composed of these values :GUI Widget
StylizedLine Definition Type StylizedLine is a structured type composed of these fields :GUI Widget
StylizedLineList Definition Type StylizedLineList is a list of StylizedLine GUI Widget
Tessellation GUI Icon Definition Type Tessellation is inherited from Mesh Description A Tessellation is a dynamic mesh representationGUI Widget
TessellationAttribute GUI Icon Definition Type TessellationAttribute is inherited from Entity Description A TessellationAttribute is an attribute applied to the elements of the tessellation. It can be normals, texture coordinates, patches or more advanced types like visibility attributes, curvatures attributes, etc...GUI Widget
TessellationList Definition Type TessellationList is a list of Tessellation GUI Widget
TopologyCategoryMask Definition Type TopologyCategoryMask is a structured type composed of these fields :Description The topology cmasl is a combination of TopologyConnectivityMask and TopologyDimensionMaskGUI Widget
TopologyConnectivityMask Definition Type TopologyConnectivityMask is an enumeration type composed of these values :NONE (0)
FREE (8)
ALL (15)
Description The topology connectivity mask is used to filter some processus using the topological connectivity of elements (border, non-manifold, etc...)GUI Widget
TopologyDimensionMask Definition Type TopologyDimensionMask is an enumeration type composed of these values :NONE (0)
LINE (2)
FACE (4)
ALL (7)
Description The topology dimension mask is used to filter some processes using the topological dimension of the support of verticesGUI Widget
UVCoord GUI Icon Definition Type UVCoord is inherited from TessellationAttribute Description An UVCoord is a tessellation attribute which defines Texture CoordinatesGUI Widget
UVCoordList Definition Type UVCoordList is a list of UVCoord GUI Widget
Vertex GUI Icon Definition Type Vertex is inherited from Element Description A Vertex is defined by a position and is connected to the edges of a tessellation. It is the dimension-0 elementGUI Widget
VertexList Definition Type VertexList is a list of Vertex GUI Widget
VertexListList Definition Type VertexListList is a list of VertexList GUI Widget