PiXYZ STUDIO viewport is where geometries are displayed and can be manipulated (selection, transformation, visibility...):

  • Scene axis: PiXYZ STUDIO viewer is Y-up oriented, and right-handed. Red is the X-axis, Green is the Y-axis, Blue is the Z-axis ([X,Y,Z] > [R,G,B]).
  • Part occurrences (meshes): are displayed accordingly to the viewer settings defined in the STUDIO Toolbar, Edit Menu and the Preferences menu (F9)
  • Scene grid: brings a visual help to evaluate objects orientation and objects scale. By default, the grid size is 2 meters large.
  • Scene HUD: displays information regarding the loaded model: occurrences (parts) and triangles (polygons) count.

NOTE                PiXYZ STUDIO provides a robust & powerful viewer, necessary to display and manipulate numerous complex 3D data, as industrial CAD models are.

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