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CAD :: getNURBSSurfaceDefinition


   get all parameters contained in the nurbsSurface

GUI Dialog


Script function

   cad.getNURBSSurfaceDefinition(nurbsSurface) -> (degreeU, degreeV, knotsU, knotsV, poles, weights)


   nurbsSurface (NURBSSurface) : The nurbsSurface

Return value

   degreeU (Int) : The degree on U of the nurbsSurface
   degreeV (Int) : The degree on V of the nurbsSurface
   knotsU (DoubleList) : The knots on U of the nurbsSurface
   knotsV (DoubleList) : The knots on V of the nurbsSurface
   poles (Point3ListList) : The poles of nurbsSurface
   weights (DoubleListList) : The weights of the poles of nurbsSurface