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Scene :: selectDuplicated


   Select duplicated parts

GUI Dialog


Script function

   scene.selectDuplicated([acceptVolumeRatio[, acceptPolycountRatio[, acceptAABBAxisRatio[, acceptAABBCenterDistance]]]])


   acceptVolumeRatio (Real[optional] : If the ratio of volumes of two part is lower than acceptVolumeRatio, they will be considered duplicated
   acceptPolycountRatio (Real[optional] : If the ratio of polygon counts of two part is lower than acceptPolycountRatio, they will be considered duplicated
   acceptAABBAxisRatio (Real[optional] : If the ratio of AABB axis of two part is lower than acceptAABBAxisRatio, they will be considered duplicated
   acceptAABBCenterDistance (Distance[optional] : If the ratio of AABB centers of two part is lower than acceptAABBCenterRatio, they will be considered duplicated