NOTE                A custom plugin sample is accessible at the following location: C:\Program Files\PixyzStudio\bin\plugins\GenerateProxy

A plugin is made up of at least two files:

  • An XML file: Plugin GUI definition. Without this file, no plugin will be detected by Pixyz.
  • A Python file: script to be executed.

And has to be organized as followed:


The plugin folder must be placed at the following location: %programdata%/PixyzStudio/plugins/

Then, it is accessible directly in Pixyz Studio, from the Plugins Menu:

Shortcuts are available by right-clicking next to the tabs and selecting the custom plugin:


Personalize plugins by adding icons.

To do so, create an “icons” folder at the root of the plugin. Add your icon image and rename it with the entry function name (my_custom_plugin.png).

TIP                Even if a Pixyz Studio license does not allow batch processing (I/O token available only with Pixyz Batch), the import/export functions can be called in a plugin executed in Pixyz Studio, once per execution.