Pixyz Studio can run plugins, to add custom functionalities and behavior.
A plugin is a kind of pre-defined process, that is based on Python scripts and executed through a custom User Interface.
Plugins for Pixyz Studio can be developed by or for you.
There are 2 types of plugins in Pixyz Studio:
- Published Plugin
- Unpublished plugin
NOTE A Pixyz Studio plugin (or scenario) is 100% customizable. Please contact Pixyz if you are interested in the creation of a bespoke scenario, based on your specific Data Preparation process.
Pixyz Batch These plugins can be used to run scenarios in batch mode, using a Pixyz Batch license.
Published Plugin
A published plugin, is an encapsulated, non-editable plugin that was created by a 3rd party, and ready to be installed and used. It comes as an archive file, with a*.pxzext file extension.
For the moment, a published plugin can be created by Pixyz only, or its partners.
Unpublished Plugin
An unpublished plugin comes as a collection of files (python scripts, XML file, BAT file,...) that define a plugin.
They can be developed directly by the user, following this topic: Creating a Plugin.
Default plugin
Pixyz Studio comes with one default plugin, called Generate Proxy, for demonstration purposes.
It is listed in the last section of the PLUGIN menu.
The files for this plugin are located here:Pixyz StudioInstallationDirectory/bin/plugins/GenerateProxy.
WARNING Do not modify these files as it could modify the plugin's default behavior. If you wish to use it as a starting point for your own plugin, simply make a copy of the folder, and restart Pixyz Studio.
Plugin folder locations
Plugins can be placed in several locations on a computer:
- PixyzStudioInstallationDirectory/bin/plugins: folder where the default plugin Generate Proxy is located
- %appdata%/PixyzStudio/plugins: place a plugin folder here to restrain plugin access to the concerned user (see Creating a Plugin)
- %programdata%/PixyzStudio/plugins: place a plugin folder here for any computer user to be able to run it (see Creating a Plugin)
Related topics
Refer to the following topics for plugin creation and management: