
Unity Reflect is a solution provided by Unity Technologies to stream 3D data from some 3rd party 3D solutions, like Revit or Rhino (download apps here).

Pixyz Studio is also an option, unlocking access to dozens more CAD & 3D formats for Reflect.

By a click of a button, you can push the meshes contained in an open Pixyz Studio scene to Unity Reflect (and Unity Editor), where you will be able to create on top some incredible virtual experiences, for collaboration purposes or on-site visualization, for example.

WARNING        Unity Reflect being available as a Preview, the "Export Scene To Reflect" feature is also available as a preview in Pixyz Studio 2020.2 (and tagged as "Experimental"), and might show unexpected behavior.

What 3D information can be exported?

When exporting a 3D model from Pixyz Studio to Unity Reflect, there are some restriction regarding what type of 3D information can be exported

  • Only the meshes (tessellated geometries) contained in a Part are exported. Other geometries like BRep surfaces, edges/polylines and points are not exported
  • Point Clouds and animations are not exported
  • A mesh is exported along with the following attributes: normals, UVs. Tangents and binormals are not exported (but computed on Reflect side)
  • Instances are preserved
  • All materials visually applied to a Part (as a Material Property, or applied to its patches or inherited from a parent) are exported, and converted to PBR materials in Unity Reflect

Which Parts are exported ?

By default, all eligible Part occurrences (or Parts) from the current Pixyz Studio scene are exported.

If you wish to export only a fraction of your scene, you need to specify a "Root" occurrence. All the Parts children of this "Root" occurrence will be exported.

A selection of multiple Parts cannot be exported as is, a "Root" needs to be specified.

What about the Hierarchy?

Depending on how the parameter "Keep Hierarchy" is set in the "Export To Reflect" function's dialog box, the hierarchy (or Product Structure) is processed differently at export:

  • "Keep Hierarchy" is set to "False" (default):
    • The hierarchy is destroyed
    • All Parts are raked prior to export. Parts' transformations are "frozen", except for the instances which are preserved
    • On Reflect side, one SyncObjectInstance (check out Unity Reflect's developer documentation here) is created by original Pixyz Part. They are processed and uploaded individually, allowing better performance (both on Reflect server side and Reflect Review side)
  • "Keep Hierarchy" is set to "True":
    • The hierarchy is preserved
    • On Reflect side, only one SyncObjectInstance is created for the whole set of Parts being exported, making it slower to process and upload

Export behavior

The export is push-only and does not support syncing. The export towards Unity Reflect will create new assets in the Unity Reflect Project.

For each export process (or "push") to Unity Reflect, a "Source Name" can be specified in the "Export To Reflect" function's dialog box, to identify the push to Unity Reflect (see how below).

NOTE                If a "Source Name" is not specified, Unity Reflect will use the string "unnamed" as the "Source Name"

A previous push can be deleted from the Unity Reflect dashboard when prompted:

What about metadata/filters?

Filters and metadata carried by some Parts, which allow to filter the display in Unity Reflect Review, are not available for the moment. They will be added soon.

How To

To export the meshes to Unity Reflect from Pixyz Studio, follow these steps:

Step 1

Install Unity Reflect (more information about Unity Reflect setup here).

Step 2

Go the File Menu, and chose "Export Scene To Reflect", a dialog box opens:

Step 3

In the "Advanced" folder, specify a "Root" occurrence if you wish to export only a sub-assembly of the scene, and not the entire scene (which is the default behavior).

In the "Source Name" field, you can specify a name to identify the "push" to Unity Reflect you are about to make through the Unity Reflect Dashboard.

Step 4

Press "Execute", an Information dialog appears:

Synchronously, a Unity Reflect window pops (providing Unity Reflect is installed and up to date, with a valid license).

WARNING        If Unity Reflect is not found, the export fails and Pixyz Studio raises the error "An error occurred, please check that Unity Reflect is correctly installed and up to date".

Step 5

In the Unity Reflect window, define to which project you want to push the meshes.

Select a project and click "Start": the export of meshes actually starts (but Unity Reflect Review is not launched though).

Back in Pixyz Studio, when the export is finished, the "Output" panel logs the execution time:

The Information dialog needs to be manually closed.

Step 6

Launch Unity Reflect Review (or a Unity project) to interact with the meshes pushed at the previous step.

API function parameters

Check the API documentation page to learn how to use this function in Python code: