occurrences (OccurrenceList) : Occurrences of components to process level (SelectionLevel) : Level of parts to remove : Parts, Patches or Polygons voxelSize (Distance) : Size of the voxels in mm (smaller it is, more viewpoints there are) minimumCavityVolume (Volume) : Minimum volume of a cavity in cubic meter (smaller it is, more viewpoints there are) resolution (Int) : Resolution of the visibility viewer mode (SmartHiddenType) [optional] : Select where to place camera (all cavities, only outer or only inner cavities) considerTransparentOpaque (Boolean) [optional] : If True, Parts, Patches or Polygons with a transparent appearance are considered as opaque adjacencyDepth (Int) [optional] : Mark neighbors polygons as visible
Return value
viewedOccurrences (BoolList) : For each occurrence in occurrences, tell if the occurrence has been viewed (True) or not (True)