Release Notes
PiXYZ STUDIO 2019.2.1.12
(Released February 05, 2020)
- [Import] NX format: NX 1872 version now supported
- [Import] SolidEdge format: SolidEdge 2020 version now supported
- [Import] 3DXML V6 format: Metadata now properly imported on each Product Structure node
- [Import] VRML format: general enhancement
- [GUI] "Alternative Tree" panel now disabled the GUI
- [Product Structure] SceneGraph from a PiXYZ file version 2018.3 can replace the Product Structure at import
- [Algorithm] "Repair Mesh" function was updated to handle particular meshes leading to abnormally long processing
- [Import][Export] glTF Format: Exporting a model referencing a missing texture could lead to the exported file to fail at import: fixed
- [Import] Opening *.pxz scene with Variants could lead to potential crashes: fixed
- [Import] Importing PMI annotations could fail: fixed
- [Import] JT format ("Alternative Importer"): bugs with JT v9 models containing tessellated parts (meshes) were fixed
- [Import] NX format: Parts including "Promoted Body" and "Deformable Part" features now correctly imported
- [Import] Inventor format: Parts including "Machining" operations now correctly imported
- [Import] e57 format: import bugs on very large Point cloud models fixed
- [Export] Saving large scenes to *.pxz files could lead to potential crashes: fixed
- [PMI] Camera was not properly set when selecting a specific view (imported as a PMI): fixed
- [General] Undo/Redo on large scenes could lead to "Receiver not attached" exceptions up to software crash: fixed
- [Product Structure] Deleting hidden parts could lead to software crash: fixed
- [Algorithm] "RepairCAD" repairing CAD surfaces on disconnected CAD surfaces could lead to software crashes: fixed
- [Algorithm] "Saw With Plane", Saw With OBB" and "Saw With AABB" functions run with "Saw and Split" mode did not write" -inner" and "-outer" suffixes in resulting occurrences' name: fixed
- [Algorithm] "Saw With AABB" function potentially not giving the expected result on meshes: fixed
- [Algorithm] Function "Repack UV" could lead to a software crash: fixed
- [Algorithm] Running experimental "Segment" function crashing the software immediately: fixed
- [Algorithm] Vertex count not updated after triangularizing a mesh: fixed
- [Scripting] Executing "core.getTempDirectory()" returned extra slash characters in the returned string
- [Plugins] Icon included in a published plugin not displaying: fixed
Known issues
- [Import] JT format: JT v10 format gives uneven results. When possible, prefer using JT v9 format.
- [Import] SketchUp format: useless intermediary nodes still added at import
- [Import] Alias format: Layered Materials are not supported
- [Viewer] Viewport might take some time to refresh/update after a complex process on large/complex models
- [Algorithm] The "Convex Hull" algorithm is slow and produces uncertain results (Experimental)
- [Tool] The "Replace By" tool may show instability in some cases (Experimental)
- [General] Measurement snapping tool not working (use the "Create Lines" function first to enable primitives detection)
PiXYZ STUDIO 2019.2.0.57
(Released November 25, 2019)
- [Import] PiXYZ import format: *.PXZ files can now be imported within the current PiXYZ STUDIO scene
- [Import] VRED format import: *.VPB files can now be imported in PiXYZ STUDIO (geometries only, more information here)
- [Import][Export] Vertex Color: import and export Vertex Color information from/to FBX and OBJ files
- [Viewer] Vertex Color display: visualize Vertex Colors directly in the viewport using the new "Vertex Color" Override Material
- [Viewer] New "Isolate" feature: visualize and process a selection of parts separately from the whole scene
- [GUI] New "Undo/Redo History" panel: stacks all actions executed in session for a quick access to a previous step
- [GUI] New "Variants and PMI" panel: Variants (new concept) and PMI display in the viewer is managed though this new panel
- [Scene] New "Variants" feature: create and display variants of the default scene ( = save scene state regarding occurrences' position, visibility and material assignment)
- [Algorithm] New "Decimate Target" algorithm: new version of the Decimate Target algorithm based on the Quadric error metric method
- [Algorithm] New "Voxelize Point Cloud" algorithm: explode a single Point Cloud geometry into several Point Clouds (using a voxelization)
- [Function] New "Orient From View" function: semi-automatic repair of triangles’ orientation, based on the viewport camera
- [API] New "scene.findByMetadata" and "scene.getMetaData" functions, to access models metadata
- [Import][Export] JT format: improved support for JT files at import and export
- [Import] Improved CAD Precision at import: geometries precision now calculated based on the original input file units (better fidelity to their scale)
- [Export] USD format: meshes tangents now also exported
- [Product Structure] Product Structure expand speed boosted
- [Algorithm] "Remove Holes" function: behavior and success globally enhanced
- [Algorithm] Updated "Proxy Mesh" algorithm: new Points parameter to create a proxy mesh out of a Point Cloud geometry
- [Function] Updated "Proxy Mesh With Texture" function to automatically create a textured Proxy mesh from a Point Cloud geometry (use preset "Create ProxyMesh From PointCloud")
- [GUI] Enhanced GUI for the "Inspector": information more easily readable, easier access to occurrence' prototype
- [Scripting] Enhanced Script Editor: Search/Replace, Tabs management, Automatic reload of a script edited outside PiXYZ STUDIO, Quick sneak peek at functions' parameters
- [Import] Improved OBJ Import: textures with spaces in name handled, exception with missing textures, no more crashes with badly written files (missing index, normals...)
- [Import] Formats *.xyz and *.ply disabled from the Import dialog box (format no more supported since older versions)
- [Import] 3DXML import causing crash: fixed
- [Import] VRML import causing crash: fixed
- [Import] Large *.e57 files not opening: fixed
- [Import] Incomplete *.pts import with multiple groups: fixed
- [Export] VRML export: handle textures and fix issue with transformation decomposition
- [Product Structure] "Merge By Tree Level" function causing potential crashes on large assemblies: fixed
- [Viewer] Scene Bounding Box properly updated after occurrences deletion
- [Viewer] Abnormally long viewer freeze after materials update: fixed
- [Algorithm] Potential crash with "sawWith..." functions: fixed
- [Algorithm] "listFeatures" function returning "blindHoles" instead of "throughHoles": fixed
Known issues
- [Import] JT format: JT v10 format gives uneven results. When possible, prefer using JT v9 format.
- [Import] SketchUp format: useless intermediary nodes still added at import
- [Import] Alias format: Layered Materials not supported
- [Viewer] Viewport might take some time to refresh/update after a complex process on large/complex models
- [Algorithm] Convex Hull algorithm slow and uncertain (Experimental)
- [Tool] The Replace By tool may show instability in some cases (Experimental)
- [General] Measurement snapping tool not working
Older releases
Find below the links to the Release notes for older PiXYZ STUDIO official releases: