The Materials Menu allows to manage the materials contained in the scene/project: creation, update, clean...

Menu option


Keyboard Shortcut

Material Editor

Opens the Material Editor, containing all materials available in the current project

Texture Editor

Opens the Texture Editor, containing all textures available in the current project

Merge Materials

Merges all equivalent materials (i.e. with same visual appearance)

Il faut que les deux matériaux aient le même « pattern » (standard, color, PBR…)

Et les même valeurs pour chaque propriétés , sauf le nom et l’id

Clean Unused Materials

Removes unused materials in the scene and in the Material Editor

Make Materials Names Unique

Automatically renames materials with identical names to make each scene material name unique

Replace Material

Used to replace a material by another everywhere it is used in the scene

Clear All Materials

Removes all materials in the scene and in the Material Editor

Select By Materials

Selects all occurrences with a given Material Property