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Algo :: tessellate


   Create a tessellated representation from a CAD representation for each given part

GUI Icon


GUI Dialog


Script function

   algo.tessellate(occurrences, maxSag, maxLength, maxAngle[, createNormals[, uvMode[, uvChannel[, uvPadding[, createTangents[, createFreeEdges[, keepBRepShape[, overrideExistingTessellation]]]]]]]])


   occurrences (OccurrenceList) : Occurrences of components to tessellate
   maxSag (Distance) : Maximum distance between the geometry and the tessellation
   maxLength (Distance) : Maximum length of elements
   maxAngle (Angle) : Maximum angle between normals of two adjacent elements
   createNormals (Boolean[optional] : If true, normals will be generated
   uvMode (UVGenerationMode[optional] : Select the texture coordinates generation mode
   uvChannel (Int[optional] : The UV channel of the generated texture coordinates (if any)
   uvPadding (Double[optional] : The UV padding between UV island in UV coordinate space (between 0-1). This parameter is handled as an heuristic so it might not be respected
   createTangents (Boolean[optional] : If true, tangents will be generated
   createFreeEdges (Boolean[optional] : If true, free edges will be created for each patch borders
   keepBRepShape (Boolean[optional] : If true, BRep shapes will be kept for Back to Brep or Retessellate
   overrideExistingTessellation (Boolean[optional] : If true, already tessellated parts will be re-tessellated


The tessellation step is the entry point to the polygonal representation which permits to display the model when coming from a CAD file.

This step is very important for the final quality of the model.

Here are some examples and advices on the use of tessellation parameters:

In the above example, the « max Angle » parameter has improved fillets precision by adding a row of elements without increasing polygons number of the yellow piece contour.